Steem Short Story - A Creature From Out Of Town

(Disclaimer: I realize blobfish would not come out of water and are deep sea diver's, however this is a fictional story)

Daisy was playing outside close to the ocean (her family was rich and owned a beach side residence) when she found it. She wasn't going to pretend the thing was cute, it, quite ugly, by far the most hideous thing Daisy had ever seen before. It's face kind of resembled a human's but the resemblances stopped there, because that's all it was. Just a big blob. It's nose was deformed. However Daisy loved it immediately. It was love at first sight.

"Mom! I found this strange creature!" Daisy yelled enthusiastically.

"Don't touch it Daisy! It might be poisonous!" She yelled back as she came out to see what it was.

When she saw it she screamed.

"Get that ugly thing away from me!"

"But I love it!"

"You love that thing!"

"Yes! Can I keep it for a pet? It's dying out of the water."

Daisies mom saw how much she loved the ugly thing and decided to make a deal. She had a great idea.

"As long as you don't touch it you can make it a little pool by our house. But you will be paying for it."

They decided to lend it to an aquarium until they were finished. The aquarium thought it was amazing and thanked Daisy many times before she left.

"Thanks mom! Thanks so much!" Daisy said as they left the aquarium.

Daisy worked hard for around a month to get the money she needed. She did every possible chore and random job for her parents to finally get enough money to create a mini aquarium for her blob-fish. Her mom helped her out despite her thoughts about the blob-fish. And her brother... let's just say while the blob-fish was at the aquarium they saw a rise in business.

6 months later

"It's finally done mom! After all our hard work."

"I still don't see how you like that thing, but I'm glad it worked.

"Ya, me too Mom!


If you want to read @mctiller's post about his awesome contest than click here! Do me a favor and don't forget to follow @mctiller!

May the Lord bless you, and remember that the Lord is SO awesome! Thanks so much for reading!

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