Don't Say Anything

There was too much noise around him, everyone were running from one side to the other with frenzy and Jeremy just sat on the stretcher inside the ambulance, with an orange blanket that periodically diverted his attention to notice her. That was precisely what he needed, to distract himself and stop thinking about those words.

"Don't say anything".

That phrase tattooed in his seven years old infant mind, a phrase that repeated itself second by second from the moment he was rescued. His body miraculously had not suffered any damage, even when the plane plummeted from a very high distance.

Jeremy knew that he must have died, just like in those action movies that his mother never let him see and even then he would sneak out to watch them. The thought of his mother saddened him a lot, his mother was on the plane, in the seat next to him, he hoped she was alive.

"Hi boy, how are you?" The voice drew his mind from the whirlwind that were his thoughts and he turned his gaze to the man in front of him, that man dressed like a police, In another situation, he would be exploding with happiness to know one but at that moment the word exploding only brought back bad memories.

"Can you tell me your name?" - The police replaced his question with another one when he didn't receive a response. Jeremy would have answered him but lately he was so distracted that he forgot how fast time went by and he lost himself.

This time he opened his mouth with the intention of answering but no sound was projected.

"Don't say anything".

Again that phrase was heard by his ears, as if someone beside her was whispering to him, with the curiosity of a seven-year-old child she turned to both sides to make sure there was no one who had spoken to him.

"Everything okay?" - The policeman seemed to have noticed not only his distraction but also his strange movement to the sides.

Being okay.

Jeremy didn't fully understand the meaning and scope of that word. When his mom cooked his favorite cookies he was okay, when he went to bed after a busy day of physical education with Mr. Fritz and rested his aching muscles he was okay.

But having an accident on a plane and not knowing where his mother was, definitely wasn't okay.

He fixed his gaze once again on the police who had apparently given up on getting an answer from him and only started taking notes in his little notebook.

"Jeremy ..." - Being called by his name attracted his attention, he looked around again and the only one in the ambulance with him was focused on his notebook. As much as the voice sounded a bit distorted, Jeremy could tell who it was.

"Mom?" His question said with that childish voice caught the attention of the police who turned his gaze towards him.

"We don't know where your mom is, we want you to help us find her, would you tell me the last thing you remember?" - The tone of voice of the police pretended kindness but the pressure was noticeable in him. As if you needed no matter what know what happened on that plane.

What happened... Jeremy couldn't describe exactly what happened, he was there, he saw everything and he was aware all the time, even explaining it would be extremely complicated, his scarce vocabulary could never cover even a bit of history.

Jeremy remembered being on the flight, with his mother, her smile while cleaning some orange juice that had been spilled on Jeremy's shirt, she used a napkin that she had asked the stewardess. Until then everything was normal.

The next thing he remembered was that the plane stopped abruptly, as if a giant hand were holding it and the plane was no more than a toy in the hands of a child. The people in the plane were terrified, shouted and exasperated despair.

His mother was calm, still cleaning the spilled juice as if nothing happened. For some reason that didn't bother Jeremy, his mom used to be quiet even if that situation was strange.

Then his mom took off her belt and took off his own and before the surprised look of the other people calmly taking Jeremy to the control room, which was completely empty.

"Shouldn't someone be driving?" - Jeremy asked his mother and she just denied with a smile and seated him in the pilot's seat by placing the headphones around his ears.

"What about you drive it, sweety?" - drive it? He had seven years! He couldn't fly a plane, he was able to handle the bike recently without the support wheels and that was still a challenge for him.

Still not wanting to go against the will of his mother, took the command and his mother pressed a few buttons and then see how his eyes were lit by a strong and bright orange, the force that had stopped the vanishing plane and suddenly Jeremy had control of the plane.

It was supremely uncoordinated and he could hear the screams of fear from the people aboard from the other cabin. In a second he was trying to keep the plane fixed and in the other he was plummeting towards the ground.

That was his last memory.

"Math! They found the passengers on the plane, they're all safe!" - The man who shouted excitedly was addressing the police in front of him.

Jeremy was covering with force with the blanket that now reminded him of his mother's eyes before piloting the plane, in his life many things had happened but it won without a doubt.

A few hours later all the passengers were being taken care of by the paramedics, all were surprised that they were not injured in any way, there was only one detail, they didn't remember anything of what happened during the flight and the crew was still missing.

When Jeremy was taken with his mother, she hugged him tightly and squeezed him in his arms.

"Did you enjoy your birthday sweetheart?" - His mother smiled at him and although he had not opened his mouth the phrase was heard in his mind clearly. For a moment he saw his mother's eyes shine in that bright orange.

Something told him that his mother was behind everything, he had no idea why or how, what he did know was that he would have a long time to overcome that event in his life.

For a time he wouldn't say anything.

Note: I have any idea of how this madness came about, when I realized it was already over a thousand words xD I hope you like it o.o/


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