The Future With A Hamburger And A Hot Dog

As always I drink all the tea in one gulp, even when my tongue burned a little, that used to bring me some luck and I admit it, I'm a superstitious boy. The proof of it was right in front of me, in the teacup that I gave Claudia to read my future in the leaves at the bottom of the cup.

Claudia, my favorite fortune teller.

She never fail. I frequenting her by years and always guess right in one way or another. Claudia who was my mother's age was always right, yes, just like my mother.

She looked very concentrated trying to decipher whatever was at the bottom of the cup. I always wondered if people like Claudia went to a fortune telling school or something like that, I imagined those people seeing subjects like hand reading right after tea leaf language class. That yes, they didn't enter both specialties in the same subject.

"I notice you distracted Kenny" - The soft and understanding voice of Claudia took me out of my mind.

"Just a little anxious about what the future holds for me" - Not a complete lie, only that I seemed more interested in the education that Claudia would have had before setting up her business of candles, spells and everything else. Maybe he was only born with that gift.

"You come very often honey, maybe you should stop trying to anticipate" - it wasn't the first time Claudia suggested that.

"I prefer to prepare myself" - Claudia noticed my little bad mood and only snorted.

"Well ... As I said before, what I see is abstract and it's up to you to discover what it means"

"I already know it"

"This time it's kind of fuzzy and strange, I can safely tell you that you'll know a new love this afternoon" - Okay, that got my attention completely.

"And how is she?" I asked ecstatically, I was aware that I even leaned in my chair.

"That's what is diffuse, I can't detail her." I remembered another detail.

"And the weird part?" Claudia looked confused and frowned a bit before replying.

"I see a hamburger and a hot dog"

Ummm ... Delicious.

"So it will be an appointment with junk food, I like that"

"No ... The hamburger and the hot dog run to you, you must stop them" - Ok..., maybe Claudia from so much preparing strange concoctions had made her a bit crazy.

"They run, do they have legs?" - Everything sounded weird.

Claudia only said that it was diffuse, she asked for payment for her services and then she kicked me out of the store. Right in that order.

So I, a twenty-five-year-old, was walking down the street waiting to see that hamburger and hot dog walking.

For some reason I couldn't get rid of that movie about food that came to life. That movie that every second disturbed every aspect of my soul. No doubt movies like that leave a mark, a great and indelible mark.

Without realizing it, I came to the community park, children and parents here and there. All having fun and I the only one waiting for the magical appearance of a hamburger and a hot dog with legs running towards me.

Perhaps for the first time in her life Claudia was wrong. To err is of human assumes, although with this it would enter another debate on if Claudia enters the classification of humans or not. I preferred to leave that topic adrift.

Well, a sign that I was in the right place couldn't be clearer.

Dozens of junk food trucks with hamburger and hot dog logos were everywhere. Before they wouldn't have bothered me, but now I was wondering if there was a need for so many ... competition must be difficult.

All my strange and completely unnecessary digressions were left aside when something hit my legs below my knees. I couldn't believe it.

It was a hot dog. Well, it was a dog with a hot dog costume. Behind the friendly little puppy came a child screaming with happiness. A boy dressed as a hamburger.

What were the odds?

I didn't know whether to admire or feel a deep fear for Claudia. I didn't know what to think, I just needed to show the love of my life and if ... There it came.

The pretty girl came running desperately in search of her burger and hot dog walking. He stopped in front of me panting from the effort. Immutable The little hamburger caressed the hot dog.

"Chris, I told you not to run..."

It was hard for me to tell if she was referring to the hamburger or the hot dog.

"I wrap them to take?" - I asked the girl, yes, I know, I'm lousy flirting.

At least she finally noticed me and apparently didn't dislike her because she smiled with interest.

"What if you help me with the hot dog and I take the hamburger? I'm at a picnic with some friends and these unruly escaped" - Sounded good.

The day ended with more chases to that hamburger and the hot dog, with the number of that girl and with the promise of an date the next week.

We agreed not to order hamburgers or hot dogs for our date and I definitely had to pay Claudia an extra.

Note: This theme was a challenge. I had no idea what to write, for some reason this was what came out and I can say it was entertaining to write xD. I hope you like my entry


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