The Astounding Seer of Mill Creek

Mill Creek, The Dalles, Oregon

In the history of humanity, there are thousands of stories of people who have slipped with dog and pigeon droppings, but never, it had been heard of someone slipping with chicken droppings, it was this unprecedented event that changed Jay's Fortunato life.

Sunset was falling in The Dalles (Wasco County, Oregon), sad, Jay was walking towards his home, as was customary, he took a shortcut through the inner courtyard adjacent to the used car store "Miracle on the 6th Street ", to get to Mill Creek Townhouses. When arriving at his small home again the loneliness awaited him, he entered silently leaving the keys on the table, took a sip of a glass of water that he had left the morning before leaving to look for an opportunity to improve his current life and then He went up to his room where, without thinking, he threw himself on his bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

A sudden noise broke the calm of dawn.

Jay got up startled, in the darkness, did not even have time to put on his slippers, slowly and quietly down the stairs to the ground floor; with the house in gloom and the sight barely adjusting to the dim light, with a shy voice Jay said: Who is there? Nobody answered the question back. When he finished going down the stairs, Jay could see a small shadow that crossed quickly and clumsily on the dining table. A startled sensation ran through his chest.

Once again he asked: Who is there, I said? It was when he heard a clucking. Then he turned on the light, managing to see in his kitchen a small, red and thin chicken; Where did it come from? Jay, confidently walked to the table where the blind bird was, suddenly, scared the chicken jump trying to flee from Jay, he tried to catch it, but when taking the first step to catch it, slipped on a small drop of chicken droppings Immediately there was a loud crash, Jay trying to hold on to something, he knocked down the table, hitting his head abruptly on the floor and losing consciousness.

The clock was 5 o'clock in the morning when our unfortunate character began to recover the knowledge, even with blurred vision, tried to focus looking in his mind the answer to: what had happened? little by little he was remembering, the previous afternoon, the early sleep, the noise at midnight, the little hen. Just as it appeared, there was no trace of it in the morning, when he saw on his feet the traces of gallinaceous excrement, he could realize that it had not been an illusion.

Jay got up from the floor as best he could, with a terrible headache, lifted the table from the floor, fixing on it the things he had thrown on the ground in the fall. It was there when he discovered something truly terrifying, he could not see the wall of his house. In a strange way he could see through the walls, he quickly brought his hands to his eyes, covering them, slowly withdrawing his hands,

- Calm Jay - repeated in his head - calm, you're just a little stunned. Let's see, floor? Normal, Table? Normal, walls? ... they are not! But, what the fuck happens? - His mind tried to explain such an event, without being able to reconcile a logical response.

As he could, he got up and walked looking at the ground so as not to be frightened, more than he was, in a certain way he could see through the wall, those were the facts. But could I go through them? he asked himself. Jay touched and felt the stiffness of the wall, however he could not see it, he took two steps back, he took impulse and tried to cross it, like a fireball crashed against the invisible wall. Rising once more from the ground, he felt with his hands until he found the handle of the door, thank God he had left the door unlocked the previous day. He went outside and in front of the house he was surprised to see how he could see everything in his home and that of the neighbors.

Jay took a deep breath, as he could enter the house again, ran up the stairs and like a blind wanderer, he felt the walls until he found his room, quickly dressed and went out in search of answers.

His first idea where to look for answers was to go to the doctor. Running across the courtyard adjacent to "Miracle on the 6th Street" where he stopped a few seconds amazed watching the owner kissing with Candy, the young secretary who recorded the sales of used cars, while he saw dumped beyond the wall, someone approached Jay asking him.

-Something wrong, young man? - Asked an old woman who was struck by how focused the boy was looking at the wall.

-What do you think that cute girl could have seen that old man? - Innocent Jay answered, as if the lady could see the scene that he was contemplating.

The old woman adjusted her glasses but seeing only the red wall, she simply went on her way, seeing the boy sadly. Jay, remembered his problem and kept walking, always with his eyes on the ground to be guided and stay calm. It was a strange scene for the secretary of Doctor Goodeye's office, when he arrived and found a boy touching the wall as if trying to find the door in front of him. Can I help you? - she asked with suspicions that something was not right in the boy's mind.

-Yes. No. - Answered Jay nervously - Is the doctor?

-"It's coming," she said, keeping the distance.

Jay pulled away and followed the girl who opened the door and entered the office. Minutes later Dr. Goodeye arrived. With a distrustful look, the receptionist made the boy pass by, who again touched the wall without hitting the door. She opened the door and said to Jay, "Over here, please, come by."

"Doctor, you have to help me," Jay said desperately, "I've had a fall and now I can not see the walls, but I can see them through them. The doctor, stunned and thinking he had a lunatic in front, asked Jay to calm down.

-Let's see young man, tell me, do you have problems with your eyesight? Do you have trouble seeing near or far? Asked the doctor prepared to issue a direct judgment of insanity and call security.

-No doctor, I really can not see any wall. Come on I show you go out and see what is supposed to be behind the wall and I will describe it to you.

The doctor, skeptical, opened the door and looked behind the wall at his assistant and what he was doing.

-"Your assistant is eating bread, and accompanying him with a Starbucks coffee," Jay said bluntly.

-"Amazing", said the Doctor, "wait a moment there." The Doctor approached the assistant and silently asked him to call the police.

-I do not need to call security doctor, I can see that you have your hand on the back of the chair, that you are taking your umbrella, that you turned your eyes to this room and that you are returning here.

-"Amazing," the Doctor said again, and this time he approached Jay and began to examine his eyelids and ask him questions about what had happened to him.

Jay explained each situation in detail.

-You must have hurt the occipital lobe when you fell, boy - concluded the doctor- this area is responsible for receiving visual information, your brain must have suffered some damage that affects the interpretation of images, or give you a kind of perception type sensor that allows you to produce in your mind 3D images of the things that are behind limits such as walls.

After a series of medical examinations, it was not possible to detect anomalies in the brain of Jay Fortunato, even going so far as to grant him the title of medium or psychic to the boy. The truth is that God operates in mysterious ways and having resigned Jay to his abnormal vision, like the motto of Oregon, Jay "flew with his own wings", he called himself the "Astounding Seer of Mill Creek", challenging People hide things behind walls and guessing in a certain way.

His act became famous and in a certain way the wealth smiled on the boy. One day already with fame and fortune assured in an act before a packed audience that expected to see the amazing gifts of Jay clairvoyant in the Granada Teather, a boy came to hide something behind the wall ready for the act, where our friend would try to discover it with his powers. Jay put his fingers to his temples and focused his eyes on the wall and the boy put his hand in the bag, just at the moment of removing the mysterious package from the bag, a brief blackout occurred.

Seconds after the electric power returned and to Jay's surprise in front of him he saw only a white wall. Astonished, he crushed his eyes, blinked repeatedly, but his gift was gone. The public was waiting and the boy had already removed the content from the bag. Jay now sweaty and nervous, with his reputation at risk, he did not know what to say.

-What could i say? - He thought nervous - everyone will call me fraud, they will ask me to return the tickets. All this because of that stupid ... Hen-He thought loudly.

Little Red Hen

The audience began to applaud, and shouted excitedly and behind the solid white wall came the boy with a small, red and thin hen that he had taken out of his bag and had brought to try to deceive the seer, who took the opportunity to announce his retirement, while receiving from the boy as a gift the chicken that would accompany the solitude of the "Amazing Seer of Mill Creek".

The End.

Here is the contest link twentyfourhourshortstory so you can see the participating stories, including mine that you previously published

Writers Win 5 Steem! Twenty-Four Hour Short Story Contest for July 24 A lonely man develops the ability to see through walls@mctiller

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