Cardinal Sin... A Twenty Four Hour Short Story



As the priest took his seat in the confession box he glanced at his gold antique wristwatch. It was exactly 6.15am, he was spot on time. But punctuality was far from what Father Augustine had in his mind this morning. It was not even closely related to it.

He made the sign of the cross and closed his eyes in a bid to utter a quick prayer. But the words didn't come, they just wouldn't. With his eyes still closed and his head bowed, he dwelled for the umpteenth time on the life he had been made to lead.

The Church had never truly been for him. No, Priesthood was not his calling. It wasn't like he had envisioned a clearly detailed or patterned future for himself when he was young, no he hadn't really had any concrete plans back then. But he had definitely not wanted the life of a priest. It was one of the few careers, for that was actually what it was, which he had had no intentions of taking up. But he had gotten no say in the matter.

"You will return to the Seminary, study to be a priest, and I'll hear no more on this matter!"

He could still hear his father's voice as he decreed and doomed him to this life. A life of servitude. If he wasn't in a public function or a charity event, he was saving souls or preaching, or this... Listening to acts most of which he'd rather be carrying out himself. Yet he was on this side, forbidden from even having a single thought of all which abound on the other side. And beneath all of it, all of the facade which he put out to the public, his congregation, beneath all of that he was a very lonely man.

"Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It has been three weeks since my last confession."

He almost leapt, startled at the sudden intrusion of his thoughts. For a moment he had forgotten where he was. He glanced at his watch again, it was 6.45am. He had been here for 30 minutes, and he hadn't even prayed. He did a quick sign of the cross, and positioned himself properly. He was about to mutter "go ahead" when he froze. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, the young lady on the other side had already begun her confessions.

"I have committed the sin of lies and dece..."

But Father Augustine wasn't listening. His eyes were glued to the wooden wall separating him from the other side, and he was finding it difficult to believe what he saw. Somehow, someway he could see through the wall. It was as if by some power of his will, the wall had become transparent. And he could see clearly, the lady seated on the other side of the box.

She was beautiful. Her hair fell loosely on her shoulders as she bowed slightly and unloaded herself to him. Her lips were full, and Augustine watched them move without hearing a single word they said. She wore an open necked gown, one that revealed just enough cleavage as she sat and leaned forward towards him. And in order to sit properly, she had pulled the gown above her knees. There really was no harm there, she was concealed and alone in her side of the box. Only now, Augustine could see her.

He felt his blood rush in places they shouldn't. He felt warm as desires long suppressed came to the fore again. It was not like he hadn't seen a female like this before, he had. But this felt different. The fact that she didn't know, and her total innocence as she unwittingly stirred his insides. And she was this close to him, he almost smelled her. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't stop his right hand as it reached downward involuntarily. He struggled within himself knowing that Father Augustine shouldn't, but he couldn't stop lonely Augustine from exploring, yearning for a taste of that which had so far been denied him.

If God never wanted it used, he wouldn't have given it...

He sighed...

And as she opened up to him the more, he stopped struggling, gave in to his desires, and let himself go...


As the priest left his seat in the confession box he glanced at his gold antique wristwatch. It was exactly 6.15pm, he was spot on time. But punctuality was far from what Father Augustine had in his mind this evening. It was not even closely related to it. For somehow, someway, he had found joy in being a priest afterall...



This work is completely fiction, and only portrays the wild imaginations of the author. It by no means represents any happenings in the real world.

Written for @mctiller's Twenty Four Hour Short Story Contest


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