La Petite Mort (Little Death)... Short Fiction




"I could swear it" George muttered, bits of vegetables falling of his mouth in the process. "I still don't understand why you don't see it".

I looked at him as he chewed on, and I thought to myself that I couldn't love this man any less. He picked up another sandwich, and as he makes to eat it too, he catches me staring. He stops eating, and looks straight at me.

"C'mon Jane, I need you to listen to me."

The serious expression on his face almost makes me laugh out loud. I know he means it however, so I control myself and simply smile.

"I am dear, I understand you perfectly. Our new neighbor is an alien", I replied. I couldn't resist adding just a little hint of sarcasm to the last statement.

George smiles, the serious expression dropped for now. I half hoped silently that the alien talk would be dropped too, he had been repeating it for the past three weeks since Charles, the new neighbor, moved in. Something about Charles seems off he keeps saying, but only once has he gone as far as using the word alien. Nevertheless, I knew that was what he really meant to say.

I smiled back at him, and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Finish your breakfast love, the day awaits its Prince."

"I'm no Prince young lady, I am King." he replies, stuffing his mouth with the remaining sandwich.

"Yes, your majesty." I get up and give a half curtsy, then reach for the TV remote.

The rest of the morning passed without any further talk of Charles. George went to work, and I was finally free to concentrate on what I had been secretly planning for the past two months.

I knew George must have forgotten, what with all the talk of Charles being strange and all. I didn't worry though, men will always be men.

But today marked the tenth year since our wedding, and I was going to ensure it was the most special yet. A thought crossed my mind, and something like electric moved inside me. I smiled for the umpteenth time to myself; women afterall, will always be women too...


I was thrilled with my shopping, every single item I had gotten was perfect. I even went one better than I envisaged and bought myself a special treat. Little Death the attendant had called it, and I couldn't wait to have a taste of the afterlife experience. George had no idea how awesome tonight would be. Again, my insides tingled.

I sipped the last dredges of my coke, pushed the burger aside and stood up. I had more than enough appetite, but there was only one meal on my mind right now. Time to go home and begin preparations.

I leave the mini restaurant and start towards the direction of my car. As I fumble in my bag for my keys, something catches the corner of my eyes. I stop and backtrack a little, the signpost was clear...


Out of curiosity other than anything else, I decide to go take a look...


Little Death!!!
I could almost feel it as I placed the last candle on the cabinet. I paused for a second and savoured the setup. I smiled with satisfaction at my efforts, still one thing was missing. I went back to the garage and opened the back door of the car.

"There you are, my pretty."

I picked the pack up and made to leave, then a silly thought occurred to me. It took only a moment's hesitation to decide, my imagination was really running wild. "George would be pleased", I giggled to myself as I reached under the seat to retrieve the crystal object...

As I walked back into the sitting room, I glanced at the time. George would soon be home, I thought with glee.

As if on cue, the door opened, and George walked in, followed surprisingly by Charles.

"Honey, look who I..."

What happened next was better seen than told. The crystal in my hand grew hot and I dropped it to the floor. It shone a very bright blue, just like the mysterious man in the shop had said. I was stunned at its efficacy; truly there was an alien in our neighborhood...

George shone just as much as the crystal did, it was only too obvious...

The only thought that came to me was... After ten years...

I died afterall, but not a little...



Written for @mctiller's Twenty Four Hour Short Story Contest


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