Love and Aliens...

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Josh was genuinely worried. The ringing in his ears just wouldn't stop. It had started as a little beep about ten years back, and over the years it had developed into a shrill annoying sound that lasted for about thirty minutes each time it came. But it hadn't come often.

As a matter of fact the timing of it had always been unpredictable and sometimes it never even happened for months on end. As a result he had decided against discussing the matter with anyone. Plus being the only black teenager in an all white high school had played its part too. He didn't want to be labeled with a voodoo tag. So he had bottled it and isolated himself whenever he had an episode. And ten years had gone by...

But today was different. Today was the day he finally got to take Tricia out. Tricia was one of the few black people who lived in his old neighborhood. From childhood he had nurtured a secret crush on her, and despite the many times their paths had crossed, all he had been able to muster was a meek "hello". Until last week.

They had met again at a dinner organized by the Old Students Association of his high school, an event which he had attended simply because he had happened to be home visiting. She was surprisingly in attendance, a guest of one of his old school mates.
They had said hello again after a long time, and for the first time ever, Josh had had what could be called an extended conversation with Tricia. Spurred on by a few drinks, he had amazed himself by asking for her contact. That strange new confidence had extended to the phone calls which followed between them, and all had culminated in today's dinner.

But now Josh was stuck in the men's room. And the shrill noise in his ears just wouldn't stop.

Why did it have to be today he wondered. He couldn't possibly stay here for thirty minutes while Tricia was out in the restaurant waiting for him. His excuse was that he had needed to use the "John". She'd probably be thinking soon that he was processing the number 2! Why today for God's sake, why today?!

"You worry not, it'll over in little bit"

Josh turned around to find a strange looking creature standing by the door. It looked so much like a human especially in the relaxed manner in which it leaned on the door. But in an odd confusing way, it also looked so much unlike one. Josh's first thought for whatever reason, was voodoo. But he kept quiet, perhaps the noise in his ears had done damage to some part of his brain. Now he was seeing things.

"Me here alright, you not imagine me. Name Tula"

Now Josh was almost certain he was seeing things. This was definitely his brain giving rational answers to his thoughts. There was only one problem with the whole equation - the ringing had stopped, but he was still seeing the confused looking creature. Had he gone mad completely?

"You hear Josh? Me Tula, me from... what you call it..." The creature scratches its rather large head a bit and this image intrigues Josh.

"Aha, Saturn! This english, difficult learn. Chinese easy. Anyway, me alien, send you signal, ring ears. Didn't know if you hear before, so don't come."

At the mention of the word "alien", Josh felt two instant reactions. First there was relief at the knowledge that he wasn't actually mad. A mad black man in a white society didn't exactly paint a pretty picture. Then there was also the second, and most important thing to think about; was he been captured by aliens? His dinner, Tricia...

Again, as if the alien Tula was reading his thoughts, it responded,

"Go dinner now, girl wait, Tula return later. Other human receive signal, ring ears."

And as Josh watched, the creature seemed to simply evaporate into thin air.

His mind was in a whirl, he had myriad questions which needed answering, and for the first time he wondered why on earth he had kept mute throughout the whole incident. But Josh put all these aside, and decided to concentrate on his dinner. If he wasn't the only one with the ringing ears, then he would let the others worry. Right now he would worry about Tricia.

He returned to the restaurant, she was waiting for him with a smile. She had delayed the order until he returned.
At his attempt at an explanation, she had responded with a wink,

"Not to worry, it happens to the best of us"

At that moment, that very moment, he fell in love...



Written for @mctiller's Twenty Four Hour Short Story Contest


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