My Entry to the Twenty-Four Hour Short Story Contest: A lonely man develops the ability to see through walls.

Most people in my situation would consider themselves miserable. I am a lonely person but my solitude means pleasure to me. 3 Years ago, when I turned 22, I have come to the realization that the company of other people simply leads to emotional inbalance and an incoherence in behavior. I enjoy a simple and organized lifestyle. The food I eat is simple and easy to prepare, beans and lentils, rice and bread. Living in a big city makes things very simple. I do my groceries once a week and visit the library whenever I do not have anything to read. There is no TV in my flat and no computer. The illusory world on the screen has always terrified me. I never exchange thoughts with others but I watch their behavior from my balcony. Social relations create trouble, I see that all the time.
Today I have found an interesting book at the library. It was covered with dust and at first I struggled to read the old letters. The chapter I just read describes a magical ritual that enables you to see through walls. Sounds interesting to me. I only need a candle and some ashes from burned cedar wood. Spontaneously I decide to burn one drawer of my commode and perform the ritual. I say the spell and nothing happens.
Suddenly my eyes start rolling and I feel sick. The feeling stops as sudden as it started and I look around in my room. At first everything looks normal but then I discover that the floor becomes invisible when I focus my eyes on the distance. I see my neighbors who I never talk to. They sit in their living room and stare at the TV. Lonely ignoring each others presence. One of their children enters the room and jumps on the fathers lap. He pushes the kid grumpily down on the floor. It had disturbed his view on the screen. I look up to the ceiling and look in between the legs of my single female neighbor wearing a short dress and no underpants. I notice that this turns me on and I consider to masturbate. At the same time I feel ashamed, especially because the women is in her late 60s. I wonder why she wears those dresses all the time and decide that it is okay to be turned on anyways. My hand wanders into my pants.
I am about to ejaculate when my neighbor above suddenly stares down on me, as if she could see my nasty doing. I stop instantly. Is it possible that she heard what I was doing? She keeps looking at me as I try to hide from her eyes. I am unable to keep my eyes from hers as I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me. She keeps looking into my eyes. Is it possible that she has read the book as well. She is an old lady and I usually don't meet her on the stairs or in the library. Now she moves towards the door. Will she come down and confront me? I follow her steps but the passes my door with a little smile and leaves the house climbing down the fire escape. Is she going mad?
For one hour I am sitting on my toilet unable to clear my mind and I realize that the spell has not been a gift after all. I feel insecure and emotional. At the same time I can not keep my eyes from watching what the neighbors are doing. Two floors upstairs a man killed a goat in his bathtub. He is still busy cutting the goat into pieces. Facing this cruelty I am happy that I do not eat meat. Two floors down a young women talks to herself in front of the mirror. She is naked and seems to be unhappy about what she is seeing in the reflection. It makes me sad and I start to cry.
I wish I was really lonely again. Now I have to deal with all the things that I did not want to deal with when I decided to life in solitude. I keep crying. Of course the others don't notice. Neither do they realize that I watch them in their privacy.
The bell rings. I look through the wall and door and I realize that the neighbor from above has returned. She carries a bag and gazes at my eyes through the walls that don't want to protect me any longer. I realize that I can not pretend to be not at home anymore. I feel like the goat who was dragged to the bathtub. Helpless and about to get slaughtered. I open the door.
The women enters my flat and closes the door behind her. „So, you have read the book as well.“ she detects. I look at the floor and while seeing the neighbors downstairs opening another package of chips I blush remembering that the neighbor caught me in the most inappropriate situation. I mumble: „Sorry.“ She shakes her head and laughs. „Do you want to go on an adventure?“ she asks. I wonder if she wants to seduce me. I have never had any sexual relationship so this thought terrifies me. It seems like she is not only able to see through walls but also through my pupils into the depth of my mind. „Don't worry, I will not steal your virginity, for now...“
Still quite confused I follow her out of the building. We don't talk a lot which makes me feel more comfortable. I follow her through small passageways and alleys. We arrive at the graveyard. „Look into the grave!“ she suggests and I follow her advice. A skeleton with blue eyes smiles at me. “May I introduce you to my husband?” She asks me and points at the gravestone. As I look at it I realize that the name on the stone is the same one as the one written on the magical book. I get goosebumps. The next moment I feel her hand in my pants. I want to push it away but she resists and keeps rubbing. Moments later, when she got me ready, she pushes me on the gravestone and sits on my lap. The sensation is unknown and exciting yet scary. She moves her hips like a wild cat and releases animal like sounds. I close my eyes because I am scared to get caught in this situation. If I don't see someone coming maybe no one will come and see us. That's my last hope. As I reach my climax something strange happens. I have the feeling that I am getting pulled out of my body and soaked into the ground. I keep floating downwards until I feel a bodily sensation again.
My body suddenly feels very stiff and as I open my eyes I realize why. My body is not my body anymore. I am trapped in the body of the dead guy I was looking at from above. Through the earth I can see my former body laughing and kissing my old neighbor.
I realize that they have performed some kind of magical ritual to get back together. My first reaction is anger but since it is hard to express anger without having the ability to move I calm down and analyze my situation. Finally I realize how fantastic the situation actually is. I don't have to deal with any other people anymore. Finally I have the ultimate solitude I always desired. And the best of all: I do not have to die as a virgin. Total bliss overcomes me as I watch them performing another sexual act on my gravestone.

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This is my entry to the 24 h shortstory contest by @mctiller. You can find the invitation post here. I hope you enjoyed the story and I wish to all of you

Lots of Light and Love <3

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