Wada Funded Study : 40-60% of athletes are on PEDs but only 1-2% are caught !

Is it too easy to cheat the system ?

This work was funded by the World Anti-Doping Agency/Agence Mondiale Antidopage, Montréal, Canada (WADA). The approximate cost of conducting the study was US$155,000.

Doping in Two Elite Athletics Competitions Assessed by Randomized-Response Surveys

Below are some bullet points of the study.

To deter doping among elite athletes, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) oversees testing of several hundred thousand blood and urine samples annually.

  • 2167 athletes were surveyed
  • The survey took place at two sporting events ( WCA & PAG )
  • Athletes had anonymity when answering the sensitive question
  • Survey took place in 2011
  • 40-60% of athletes are on PED's - according to the study
  • Only 1–2% test of athletes test positive.

With so many athletes doping should we just allow everyone to dope and make it an even playing field ?

Does this study influence your view on athletes who are using PED's ?
Lets hear you opinion on the topic below in the comment section.

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