#ULOG 7.1: A Message of Gratitude to our Creator | Special Day Blog

I'm another year older, wiser and happier!Eternally grateful to GOD for the gift of LIFE. Thanking him for another year of life, another journey to take, another opportunity to enjoy being alive. 

Thanking GOD for all the blessings he showered upon me and to my family. GOD, thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will be forever and always be a happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my very own weakness and of my need for you, for times of joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove me to you and you provided me strength, for times of doubt which you always gave me wisdom.  

Please forgive me for the seconds, minutes and hours I wasted, for the chances I failed to take, for the opportunities I missed this past year. 

Please help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring good credit to myself, happiness and pride to my love ones, and joy to you. AMEN. 

I couldn't ask for more. You provided me enough. Thank you so much my LORD!  

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