ULOG #7: I Am Feeling So Grateful and Inspired - #4 - Chuckling Away In Catch-Up Mode

Planet Earth Date - Thursday, June 7, 2018

So much inner stretching and releasing going on. Tumbling around, careening inside. Hanging on, surfing, sitting and standing in or just laying down to sleep, to stop for a bit. To recalibrate. To align and integrate deeper.

During this last two or so week period, I've written at least 13 different posts then left them unfinished. Two are bigger than most, so the plan is was to tackle those first and leave the rest to just be. Unexpressed, unpublished. Unseen. And fine with that.


Hey Soul Fam,

That plan to work on the two bigger posts first.


Within maybe 15 minutes of writing it earlier in another post.

I just decided to write up this one instead, so transferred it here. This will now be my daily #ulog. Because I've been having way too much fun chuckling and writing a new Goddesss Feminine Rising post and just wanted to celebrate that fun.

I'd just reached the editing of the relevant screen grabs for what will be #4a in that series then got to just do this. To honor the wonderful dashing of plans today.

To celebrate the continuation of what the past two weeks or so have been... flowing with what Is and leaving the rest.... and feeling great and easy about it all.

So this is just a quick 'hail up' from Jamaica, saying 'level vibes'.

For you, your day, your plans, your diversions, your flow.

'Big up' you, yourself.

Everything is just... irie. ;)

Talk soon,


PS For more via email, get my Soul Self Help INsights newsletter here:

PPS Also, look out for the next update of my "Angela's Voice On Steemit" blog post archive that I'll be publishing soon. The last one can be found here:

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

Graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise,
are all via my Stencil account.

I'd like to Thank all of my followers and regular visitors who share your time via comments and upvotes for your ongoing heart love and encouragement.

I recently recommitted to being open to support from God/dess/Life/the Universe/All That Is. On Steemit, I specifically started adding the following as a way to remind myself to BE open, no matter how much I'd normally shy away from writing something like this in a post, much less at the bottom of each one. ;)

I am open to receiving gifts or delegations of steem power in addition to your auto-upvote. This will support my work here on Steemit, including reaching out to assist and encourage newbie redfish and other Steemians who are not yet recognized for their publishing efforts.

To work with me more directly for assistance in creating and living an even more unique and awesome heaven on Earth life, contact me via my ”Soul Self Help Insights”) newsletter email to ask about one-on-one Soul Alignment Coaching including my "Inner Power Hour" Cosmic Healing Guided Meditations and Fear Busting Sound Healing Galactic Toning Q&As.

1-off sessions and subscriptions available, Paypal and Steem accepted:

Thank you and Bless you!


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