Day 8 : Reminiscing Memorable Moments With My Father #ulog #ulogs #uloggers 😀 ❤

Hello #uloggers,

I am joining in the force #ulogs of sir @surpassinggoogle.

I have to keep ulogging to enjoy and make my day worthwhile.

Before the day ended, I went to my favorite place. A place where I can see closely the stunning sunset. A perfect for reminiscing moments.



Almost every sunset I want to see and I don't want to miss. During my younger age, when the sunset is coming my father and I will go to fishing to catch some fish for our food and some to sell. Once I go home from school, my father will tell me to prepare all we needed for fishing. I have to carry the heavy fish nets in my shoulders. I have to carry the paddle and the lamp. I have to carry the food to be eaten while we are in the sea. We have to stay overnight at the sea catching fish. There are times that we catch nothing. There are times that we catches lots of fish.

Fishing is our source of food and income for the family.

Those moments are during my younger age that my father is still young and strong and when we still have a boat for fishing.

During those time, fishing is one of the best moments with my father. I love reminiscing those moments. It maybe a hard and tiring moments. But now a memorable moments for me. ❤

That's all for now. Until next time. I promise to be here in Steemit more often. #ulog

God bless to all.

Yours truly,


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