ULOG: # 11. In Venezuela, apart from a change of government ... what else should change?

Venezuela is a beautiful country, which has many riches and wonderful places where you can appreciate different climates .. We have from deserts to snow ... that's right ... not to mention the areas of great vegetation and natural attraction ... this is my beautiful Venezuela ...


However ... it is under a regime of government that unfortunately has led to misery in our country ... a misery in all aspects ...

We now have the biggest inflation in the history of our country. We have the highest crime rates that have ever been, are destroying our natural reserves ... being a country so rich, there are high levels of malnutrition ...

The Venezuelan to be able to get food at affordable prices must make hours of queues to obtain 2 products ... No medicines are available, and those that can be obtained, are extremely expensive. The services (water, electricity, transportation) do not work as they should. In my house, for example, only water arrives twice a week. The electricity is removed almost every day in the afternoons and replenished at 6 o'clock in the afternoon ... and transportation, horrible ... People are transported in trucks, sheriffs ...


It seems an exaggeration ... but unfortunately it is the situation that we Venezuelans are going through ... (without going into other areas), I have only mentioned the most superficial to not go into details.

The truth is that ... most of this disaster is the mismanagement of this government, which wants to pretend before the international media that everything here is wonderful and that all this we live, is a lie, and that there is opposition that sabotages its management. According to them here nothing that I have just mentioned occurs.

My point is ... we all want this government to leave soon, because our quality of life is no longer the same as it was years ago. Many of us love our abundant Venezuela that we had years ago ...

But ... what will happen when this government ends ???

Will everything be back to the way it was immediately?

Something that this crisis has shown, unfortunately, is the social degradation in a large part of the population ... It is unfortunate to see how there are people who sell a medicine to save a person's life, at exorbitant prices ... or people who sell 1 kilo of rice to 500% or more ... The one who sells the oil in the car, adulterates it, regardless of how soon the car is damaged to the others, the one who sells the perishable food does not mind selling damaged food, just to mention some cases.

Then I wonder ... is it only necessary to change the government in my country ???

I would like it to be that simple ... the government and nothing else ... But there is something else ...

The mentality and the heart must also change ...

We are all Venezuelans, we are all in the same boat ... so why take advantage of the need of our neighbor? ... why be so indolent? ...

It is not enough with what we are living?

We all know that with a minimum wage it is difficult to live decently ... a mother who has 4 children, how does she feed all of them well? or how to buy an antibiotic if the pharmacy is not available, but the neighbor sells it 10 times more than he earns monthly in his job ...

There are still many people who help others, people I think are heroes, because they have not been contaminated with the system and society ... people who are willing to reach out to the needy ... God bless you!

But those people who take advantage of the situation ... I think it's time to reflect ... God condemns those who take advantage of the need of the neighbor ...

It is time to prepare and change the mentality of usury and indolence ... because when the day comes when Venezuela is free and another government comes ... will there be a complete change if we continue with the same mentality?

I believe that we would continue in the same misery if the mentality of usury and indolence does not change! ... we must learn from mistakes and understand that this does not bring anything good to the country ... it only brings backwardness and more misery.

Do you believe, as I think ... that not only lack there a change of government in Venezuela ???

I give you these biblical verses:

Isaiah 58:10:

and if you give your bread to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, your light will be born in the darkness, and your darkness will be like noon.

Hebrews 13:16:

And do not forget and do good and mutual help; because of such sacrifices God is pleased.

I hope your comment ... Thanks for visiting my Blog!

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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