SURPASSINGGOOGLE'S #6th ULOG: Ulog as a Miraculous Healer!

Falling into abyss and being submerged in a pit of isolation within oneself was a struggle that I constantly masked with a grinning bobcat facade. It was never been easy...
As quoted by Leon Brown.

Sometimes, being overly generous of your exuberant sunny side make others overlooked the need to emphatize. They cannot see the pain and tears behind the glistening smile.

They forgot, that you too,
need to cry.
You too, can get mad.
You too, can curse.
You too, can get sick....
real sick.

Too sick to eat,
Too sick to sing,
Too sick to love.

Thus my plight as Persephone ended.
My reign in the underground world came into a halt.
And that was when sunrays penetrated the thick walls that surrounds her cold, lifeless heart.


Fifty-two days ago, it was the end of my ordeal. It was the time that I was introduced to a world where my obsession first started. My obsession with books, and the itched to write.

I never knew then that life is way greater beyond. That every storm has its destined end. That every withered hope is bound to sprout a new life.

Now, I believe miracles do happened.
It happened to me already. Never did I felt the surge of being so alive again. And for all these wonderful miracle, I greatly owe to steemit. For I became part of the ULOG family who gives importance to ULOGGERS like me.

ULOG became a cathartic release for me. I know, I am healing...and will eventually heal.

ULOG I thank you for being a miraculous healer. You are more than suppress ego and beaming pride. YOU ARE LIFE.

My unwavered trust and confidence for my great mentors sir @iwrite, @yanzel4lyf and @purpledaisy57. Thank you!

Pictures are mine.
Please follow @drahries.

My mentor @surpassinggoogle has been very supportive of our group (STEEMITDIVERSIFY) and other groups too. Please support him as a witness by voting him at and type in "steemgigs" at the first search box.
If you want to give him witness voting decisions on your behalf, visit again and type in ā€¯surpassinggoogle" in the second box as a proxy.

Thank you!

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