❤️Thank you to my loves❤️ Ulog 20

Birthday Thanks

For my birthday, 2 of the #am3gas surprised me with so much love - they had me crying my eyes out. LOL (LIVE on a show. thanks @monchhichi23 and @andysantics48! don't worry - I'll get you back. hehehee) I didn't feel like I could thank everyone properly in a comment, so it had to be a post! :)

In the order that they were in the birthday surprise post....

❤️@enginewitty,❤️ I've already told you multiple time in posts, comments, DMs and shows just how much you mean to me! But what's one more time? Thank you for always - always - always having my back. I've loved getting to know you on so many levels! Writing, community, voice-acting, pirating hehehe, shows.. we keep bumping into one another anywhere and everywhere. and I love it, and I can't wait for more! Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, Witty Fox!

❤️@saffisara,❤️ Who knew how sweet Team Sapphire would be?!?!?! who knew?!?!?! whoever knew , I need to thank them and tackle them with hugs. (yep - even butt hugs!) hahahaha Every week, you and me and @bluefinstudios come alongside our sweet fresh Steemian faces - and laugh laugh and love! (oh yeah - we also teach too, don't we?) hehehehe I'm amazed by the heart that you have. It's generous, kind (truly KIND -not many people are truly kind!!!), compassionate, fun, silly, and helpful. Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, sweet sister! :)

❤️@tamala,❤️ Don't you worry, healthy lady! I sure did turn that sugar shack around! hehehehe I love that you're always so ready to support your friends - not just on Steemit - but in real life, with counsel and health and laughter! Your presence in buddyup always gets me giggling - you and your ninjas! hehehehe I get a kick out of your personality - how you don't take anything so seriously that you're stressed to the max. We can learn a lot from you ;) Thank you for spreading your knowledge all over us - we love it and appreciate it! Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, health nut! hehehehe

❤️@swolesome,❤️ My dear swolesome! hehehe I think back to those late nights of gaming and framing and getting psyched for whatever your next stage was! It was so fun to be a part of that. I still remember the first day! hehehehehe when I launched my little treasure hunt idea after the Mozart of Games just got finished holding everyone's attention with his wild gaming ideas!!! LOLOL thanks for all your appreciation for what Welcome Wagon hopes to do! and thank you for my birthday love!!!! I love you, Gamemaster! :)

❤️@freedomtowrite,❤️ How hard did I laugh at LCL?????? oh my gosh!!!!! Are we still gonna make it happen??? hahahaha Now that you have your own channel and radio shows and everything... you NEED to make it happen LCLCLCLCLCL (see how I did that) Oh lady - I've loved our conversations in DM and the heart things that we've shared! I see you shared that you have a family! hehehehe but I got to be one of the special ones that knew more about your family wayyyyyyy back when ;) Thank you for trusting me with that! I'm so excited to see your future unfold and I've loved sharing the insights with one another that we have. Thank you for my birthday love!! I love you, Bestie couple! hahahahaha

❤️@kiwideb,❤️ Hey - you live in New Zealand too? You should meet my friend @andysantics48! She's really funny! I think you'll like her! hahahahahaha oh my gosh - remember the fun we had giggling over my 26 day detox?!?!?! all the craziness! I can't believe you stayed after all my "coffee talk" hahahaahaha but I'm glad you did. And I love how you love my Andygirl! I'm so appreciative that youre like the big sister to the #am3gas :) we claim you as our sister too! hehehehe Thank you for my birthday love! It HAS come back to me tenfold! I love you, Big Sister!!!

❤️@kchitrah,❤️ Shall I write it all? or leave you a 489 minute voice message instead? hehehehehehe I just read your words and hugged my computer screen! LOL I tell everyone - Chitrah??? have you met her??? not yet??? oh - you will love her! How do I know? Because I LOVE HER. You just know the exact things to say to me. You get me in a very secret way that I don't understand, and you don't just get me - you speak to my heart. I love our connection. I really do! You know that already! And I felt the same. How??? How can I love this woman so fast! hahahahaha. How is she my twinnie LOL How can I hear her voice message (that is one sided) but we are responding to one another as if it's a live phone call?!?! LOL (THAT was funny!!!!!) "dont. no!!!! don't say it!" hahahahahahaa but i WAS SAYING IT. and you knew it. and we were both laughing hours and miles apart. hahahahahaha I could go on and on. the chills, the tears, the giggles, the kindred spiritedness (is that a word? hehee) but! nope. i still have a 489 voice message to send! hehe Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, Twinnie!

❤️@whack.science,❤️ What do you mean "only love"?????? Wrk Wrk Wrk Wrk Wrk. You're welcome! hehehehe go ahead... dance with that one! I'm coming to see you! and I can't wait!!!!! You and me and @zen-art and @awakentolife are going to have so much fun! hehehehe I seriously can't wait!!! Thank you for my birthday love!!!! I love you, Teddy Bear!!!

❤️@awakentolife,❤️ Every time I hear your voice, I smile a huge smile. Just - the biggest smile ever! I can hear your laughter in every word, and not just that - but the love that drips onto every syllable out of your mouth. You're so inspirational, and beautiful, and giving. I love how your life reflects your words. You're a genuine beautiful soul. You can see the compassion and passion for life in your posts, your videos, your pictures and everything that you do is touched with grace. What a gift you are to all of us! Thank you for my birthday love!! I love you, Most Enthusiastic (boy) hehehehe

❤️@ethandsmith,❤️ I still remember the first day when I met you in PYPT. I probably didn't stand out to you, but you stood out to me. I remember thinking - I want to learn from him! You had such poise - but not at all stiff and stodgy. Your laughter was contagious without being giddy. You're just such a pro, Ethan! You take the time to support people with your time and energy - and my goodness - I think about every week when you surprised me with another way to support Welcome Wagon! hehehe It was like Christmas every week! I love that your support isn't just about your upvote - it's about your heart. Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, Secret Santa! hahahaha

❤️@zen-art,❤️ What an absolute pleasure it is to just be around you. In creatives, or in TOTL, or WW, or PYPT, hehehe wherever! I love that our circles are always crossing and touching and bouncing off of one another! I love your mind - sharp as a tack! I love that you speak your mind, but that you are always SO judicious with your perspective. That is so rare! To have someone who weighs out all the info FIRST before making a rash judgment? Rare and wise! And then - you're magical! so multi-faceted you are!!! You love to sprinkle your whimsy all around you wherever you go! I love that I can find myself as a tag in one of your posts, just because you were thinking of me! hehe And I love to see how creative and passionate you are in all that you do! I'm honored to be your friend! Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, Green Fairy! :)

❤️@lymepoet,❤️ hehehehehe the poem! of course!!! I just giggled all the way through it! but the thing that made me happiest was seeing Auntie Dreemie! I love being able to not just send you love - but sending love through you to your little artist. (and I am still wild with anticipation for my sweet paiting that is coming!!!!!) I love that we don't have to see one another everyday, but we can still stay connected across the world with our joy for life and beauty! Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, Mommy and child artists!

❤️@eveningart,❤️ Bright shining star! How were we so fortunate to find you? I will never know, and I will always be grateful! I"m so glad that you don't mind us clinging to you so fiercely hehehe because if you minded, i'm sorry but you'd just have to get used to it! LOL I love how you pursue everything with such a zest for life, and enthusiasm for creativity and drive to tiptoe (or run) up the ladders before you! hehehe I cannot wait to watch you grow each day. simply cannot wait!! Than you for my birthday love! I love you, Wild Swim girl! :)

❤️@wolv,❤️ you're lucky that @tamala is here to protect you. If not - I would put a curse on those ninjas and come after you with all my secret powers! I may have a swiss cheese brain, but when I do come to see my tags - I am wide-eyed with your talent. You're amazing, (and humble) (and the brattiest brat we know) but we all love you! hehehe we can't help ourselves, and we really do try to help ourselves. I must speak with this girl about giving you back to us. Help me say it in German, will you? hehehehe Thank you for my birthday love! I love you Lobito!! ;)

❤️@penderis,❤️ You can hide.... alllllll you want hehehehe. but "I love you, Mommy" told the tale on you!!!!! hahahahahaha and the outer candy shell will NEVER hide the ooey, gooey, chocolate center!!! hehehehehe Pen, You're so secretly generous, patient, kind, insightful and tender! But we won't tell a soul. We just want you to know that underneath your ridiculously gruff humor.... we see you ;) Thank you for my birthday love! I love you M&M!!

❤️@calumam,❤️ how many times did i watch that ridiculous video and think - WHAT is he doing EVER thinking that ponytail was fashionable?!?!? and how insane is he to jump off that drawbridge!!!! and WHO was taping this for him?!?!?! LOLOLOLOL you rat!!!! hahahahahaha oh my gosh! nutter! and then... bringing me back to that comment. where it all began. yep, that was a rotten thing to do on a live radio show. LOLOLOL oh my boy. How much does my heart beam with pride for you? and how nutty do you make me when i have to stay awake all night worrying because you're not feeling well! LOLOL and i didn't get to sleep until you messaged me the next day, so i knew you lived through the night hahahahahahahaha sheesh. and so many other things that i won't even put here cuz its me. and you. and you know how we are. LOLOLOLOL sigh... if not for that comment, everything would have been different without you. cuz you are you. and that just fills my heart to the brim and overflowing. and I simply cannot wait for my 8 minute hug. (yeah - its up to 8 minutes now.) Just stand there and take it. You can't push me away!!!! just let me hug you until I've had my fill and THEN we can get on with the visit. hahahahahaha I could say more, and will - but later hehe Thank you for my birthday love! I love you Hinny!!!!!!! (or is it SugarPapa??!?!?!?! LOLOLOL yes i'm dying laughing now)

❤️@monchhichi23,❤️ I remember it too! hehehehehe oh my gosh - the giggles over the song - and then... the powerful poem you wrote and the fierce protection that rose up in me for this girl I didn't know - but knew! and since then? more and more and more. I remember I had gone away on vacation and came back and you were missing - and I kept thinking -i gotta find her again! hehehee and find you I did. and then... more and more and more. I have loved how have grown together! Thrived together. laughed and cried together. fought off the violet hairs TOGETHER. (oh my gosh, i just seriously cracked up in the car laughing about that!!!!!!!!) the violet hairs will never die! hahahahahahaa I have loved how we protect one another! from all the you-know-whos. hehehehee I love our girl time, when we just NEED to sit, and laugh(and laugh and laugh), and reconnect, and plan and scheme! hehehe I love how we know when hiding from the world is appropriate. and when hiding from the world is a bad idea. I love how a punch to the throat can solve all the world's problems hehehehe. There are no more coattails!!!! All three of us are hanging onto one another and flying, girl! B. You mean so much to me! I'm so thankful for our friendship! Thank you for my birthday love and how you and @andysantics48 planned this incredible birthday surprise!!!! I love you dearly, Queen Bee!!

❤️@andysantics48❤️ My first stalker!!!! LOLOL I was reading your comment and laughing SO hard Andy!!!! awwww. my Andygirl. I agree. #am3gas!!!!!! unbreakable ;) - but stop it with the coattails! LOL you and Mon! you're a freaking radio host now! doing your thing heeheeh videos and everything! You both are so blind to what I see in each of you. But that's ok! You don't have to see it. I see it and I'll keep holding that mirror up so you can see it too! I can't believe how it feels like forever! hahaha right?!?!?! how does the 26 day crazy detox seem like it was FOREVER ago!!! and oh my gosh - i'm gonna say something coded. tell me if you remember this. "turn off the *** tap, Dreem!" ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THAT was a lifetime ago!!!!!!!!!! and my oh my have things changed hahahahahahaahaha. Andy!!!!!!!!! (thank God!!!! i was a neurotic mess! wait. still am LOL) I love our #am3gas bond so much! All three of us just GET it. hehehehe and the laughter. how can we fill an entire DM with "LOL" and STILL know what the heck is going on in each other's lives?!?!?! That's all we need! so much laughter, support, love, tears, hugs, coconuts, soap and pens! hahahahahaahhaha and thank you - I did - I had the BEST birthday and this post was just too much for me to take in all at once. I had to read it 15 times (and i'll be reading it again and again) Thank you for my birthday love and for planning this with my sweet @monchhichi23! I love you dearly, Andygirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see all those keystrokes! hehehehe it's not hard. and mee6 is not here to yell at me!)

❤️@bluefinstudios❤️ And to start off the day - was a separate, surprise post from the one person who might love dolphins and whales as much as me! hahahaha Oh..... where to begin. where where where. I've made it NO secret how much your support has meant to me! Even though you ignored me for a few weeks (yea yea yea, show season and you were busy... whatever!!!! lol) You finally made it back to my DM and decided to grace WW with your presence - and we haven't been the same since. @saffisara (and all our "kids") from Team Saphhire can confirm that you're just FUN, @bluefinstudios!!!! We get to wake up to your ridiculous humor every day! Honestly! What goes on in that unfiltered mind of yours?? lol But the humor takes a backseat to your unbelieveable compassion. You're just THERE for us. Not just all of us- me, specifically. How many times have I just needed you at the 13th hour - and you've dropped everything to come to the rescue! Even with everything going on in your life, you put others first. You're incredibly selfless and caring that way. And just when things start to get a little stressful and burdensome again - you bring out the humor to lighten the mood and get all your girls giggling again! We so appreciate you. We say it often, but I don't think we can say it often enough! We love you @bluefinstudios! Thank you so much for my glass dolphin! I'm in awe every time I look at it!! Thank you for my birthday love! I love you, Partner in Crime!

To everyone who was SO incredibly generous in the overwhelming gifts that were sent to my Steemit wallet.... I'm tickled blue! (not pink. cuz I don't like pink @tamala!!!!! so i'm tickled blue! hheheheheeh) Thank you so very much for the gifts of SBD and Steem❤️ @surpassinggoogle, @guiltyparties, @creatr, @shadowspub, @eveningart, @kiwideb, @freedomtowrite, @lymepoet, @monchhichi23, @andysantics48, and everyone else that wasn't listed but secretly gave!❤️ Love you all - thank you for a most special and unforgettable birthday!

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