#ULog (052418) - A Day Off

This morning is marked by sorrow. Me and my mom attended the funeral of Nana Eling.


For you to be acquainted, Nana Eling is not a relative. However, she's a sister in faith. In our congregation, she's considered as the oldest because she's 97 years of age. I don't have much or spent a moment with her. But she left a very good example to us in our congregation- her punctuality to Christian meetings. She's the earliest to arrive despite of her age. She remained faithful in serving the true God for 67 years, as they've said in the funeral talk. Certainly, Jehovah God will not forget Nana Eling when He will fulfill His promises to wake those sleeping in death.

Thereafter, I went to market with my mom to buy for our meals at home. I seldom accompany her because I'm lazy, or I'm always at work and it's hot. I also imagine the chaos of pressing against the crowd. But I realized that I should do my best to help my mom because she's old already. Or maybe take the responsibility.

It's almost lunchtime when we arrived at home. I helped her cook for lunch, adobong pusit or squid. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture for today's ulog.

Then I took a nap to recharged.

This afternoon, I went to my cousin's house. They lived next door. I gave some stuffs for my nephew, her adorable son Jeremy. Look, a happy kid...


Then, time to cook for dinner. I invited my handsome boyfriend, @atongis to come over because I already miss him. I prepared this simple dish.

Chicken in Creamy Mushroom Sauce

I know he appreciated it, though, he said he's not fond of eating chicken. So, I offered this jar of chocolate for dessert and to compensate.

Until now, I'm having a hard time to think what to cook everytime I asked him to visit. There's only one thing that I'm sure of. He loves chocolates. All kinds.

He's at home now. I hope he's satisfied hehe. At the moment, I'm sitting and allowing the food I ate to settle in my intestines to be absorbed.

That's all. I guess I spent my one day off well. Tomorrow, I'm going back to normal.

Photos by @el-dee-are-es

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