How I Learnt To Make Beads Accessories (My Ulog Day #1)

Hello friends, a warm welcome to my blog today. I’m excited to make my first ulog post.

I want to thank @surpassinggoogle specially for creating Ulog for us to be able to share our daily life experience. I'm excited to be a part of this family. Thank you sir.

It was Saturday last week when I was invited by a friend to go speak in a meeting for Christian teenage girls. I always get excited whenever I’m called to talk or preach to young people. I’m a youth mentor and a preacher. So I accepted this invitation.
Even though the number of teenage girls present in the meeting were few, my heart was still fully ready to deliver to them the message I had prepared. I was going to give them my best.

The topic I was given to preach on was “A Peculiar People. “ with the text drawn from 1 Peter 2:9. I was excited at the topic because I have come to know that God has chosen and set apart His children to be peculiar in this world.
In studying for my teaching, I came across several definitions for the word Peculiar, and the two that struck me the most were:

  1. Distinct from others
  2. Special and out of the ordinary
  3. Belonging exclusively to.

I used the story of Israel as illustration where God chose and separated Israel to be His own special people.
It was such a wonderful moment.

Usually, in this meetinf after the teaching, we set aside time to learn basic life skills, and on this day, we learnt Bead making.
Bead-making Instruments

Although, I had learnt bead making in this meeting before, sometime last year but that was the basics. Today’s class was more advanced and I was surprised at how I was able to learn so fast.

Why I chose to learn bead making

There are many reasons why I chose to learn this skill.

  1. It's to add the knowledge to the list of skills I possess.
  2. To improve my fashion sense
  3. It's a potential source of business. The world is shifting so fast towards entrepreneurship. Beading making is a large market with lots of opportunities.

Our Instructor


Practical work


I can make this style now

Now, I’m confident that I start to make my own accessories and even the ones I can sell to others. So I look forward to buying my working tools, start making my beads and teaching other young girls too so they can have this skill too.
Another beautiful style

Ladies fancy hand purse made with beads

I want to thank you all for visiting my ulog today. I intend to be visiting your ulogs too to know what is happening in your world too.

And to the Ulog team as a whole, thank you so much. I look forward to getting my ulog banner.


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