ULOG 11: Health Update and a Warning to you ALL


As our food supply becomes more and more corrupt, there are things we need to be paying attention to.

Several of you have asked me about how to recognize a food allergy and how do I know this is a food allergy and what do I mean by over-reactive histamine response.

I want you to read this: HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS. I believe most of you will recognize yourselves in there somewhere at some level. As I read that list today, I was able to tick off symptoms that I have been eating myself out of for the last 8 years or so.

Yes. Out, Away from -- I have been inadvertently dealing with and changing my responses to histamine intolerance through my food choices for at least 8 years!

Eating carefully selected foods is not optional. Things that have made a DRASTIC change for me include:

  • Raw milk- completely eliminated my acid-reflux,
  • Going grain free for three months eliminated my joint pain completely. It also changed the internal health and structure of my fibrocystic breasts. I thought I was nuts until I got down into the symptom list.
  • If eating grain, eat sprouted grain, so many reasons!
  • Eating only clean animals, as Yehovah outlined in the Torah (Unclean animals are not called food. Ever.)

Well and we've been moving more and more into the organic and locally grown foods for at least 15 years.

We are to the point that now, if we eat a "normal US diet" which, much to my horror, seems to be an international diet in way too many places, we feel extremely poisoned.

I've only just started exploring the Healing Histamine website by Yasmina. (That arm picture could almost be me.) But I've already identified several steps I want to take.

I am currently on a 3 day juice fast courtesy of my husband. We've done juice fasts before and they always improve my health. And evidently it helps with the histamine situation. We will return to intermittent fasting which we already know has some great benefits. And, evidently, there's a case to be made for it helping with histamines.

I am exceedingly concerned about the possibility of parasites being a part of this. We will probably just add preventative, curative measures to our diet.

As an aside, I know many of you are like ... go to the doctor already! Look, from all I've read across the webs and from past experience with poison ivy and other food rashes, the number one go to in this type of situation is steroids. I can live another week or so without that! Furthermore, I can't tell you how deeply I distrust the pharmacy industry. It's so bad at our house that we joke around that we'll probably die of some perfectly curable disease unless there's some incredible level of pain.


We humans cannot continue to kill ourselves. Become aware. Become very very aware.

And we cannot passively allow the food industry to continue killing us. But that's another post for another day.

My phone is dying. This means my Internet is dying. So. Tomorrow is another day.

Many thanks to @ulogs, https://ulogs.org, @Steemitmamas and @SteemUSA (super short version today)

As always, leave a comment so I'll know you're real :-) And if you've written recently, leave a link-taxi ;-) Oh and since ya'll seem to enjoy answering questions, how many foods have you tied to allergic responses? Or, Do you see any symptoms in the list at the Healing Histamines web site that you had never considered to be diet related? Or, have you considered that our food choices are a bit like exercising the idea that "prevention is the best cure."

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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