Vintage Studio Gear ftw?

I won't lie, I'm a little excited today, but I don't know exactly how it's going to go down. A good friend told me he is selling all of his gear todays, that he is moving away. Funny, it's almost as if we came to some sort of mental alignment, I dunno. (We are also moving) But, here is the deal. My friend is sound eng. in his 80's.

So, I'm getting ready to walk into a warehouse full of toys, but they are all vintage toys, all of them. Why am I excited? Because of reasons beyond logic of course. Now, I'm not saying I intend to keep any of this for muhself, of course not, I can't afford it. But, I get to test them out before placing them on the e of the bay. And THAT is fun.

You have to be a gear junkie like me to understand what this means, and I would not blame you if you thought I'm getting excited about playing with outdated garbage. However, many of the music that everyone loves and many of the standards, the sonic standards were built on top of these little guys. So, maybe, just maybe, you like them too, you just had no idea.

I suspect there is not enough steemians, active steemians that would be interested in such things, so there is almost no reason for me to try steembay on these. But, from the money I make selling these puppies, I intend to buy some SP, because Why not? It's accumulation zone, remember?

Anyways, my little treasure hunt is going to keep me semi-away for most of the day, but I should return in the evening with a possible update, some missing monies and a ninja plan that may or may not work. But, such is the way of the survival ninja.

Later my friends.


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