Forget the Filters and Face Enhancing Just Love Yourself - Ulog#2

Source: Pexels

Since their dawn, traditional social media platforms have always been fueling narcissism. My feeds are filled with selfies and beautiful pics of women showing off their stuff. What strikes me later is that as time passes by these self-projected images get more and fake.

What started off with makeup and enhancing features has now escalated into directly changing how these women actually look ( i say, women, because of most of these culprits are women, but some men are just as guilty)

This I Not A Hate Post, In fact, It's the Exact Opposite

Now don't get me wrong, this is not a post about giving these woman crap about loving themselves too much. It's precisely the opposite, I'm encouraging women to love your natural selves!

Why do you need to make your face seem half the size on pictures to feel beautiful?

Why does your nose need to be smaller? Your Skin smoother or skin colour richer?

Why Are Smart Successful Woman Still Being Victimised By The Media?

Why, Why, WHY, I ask ?? NO, I SCREAM!!! Why does a beautiful, successful kind woman need to subscribe to a particular look to feel more accepted? Why do you feel the need to share only these types of images on social media so you can get more likes from fake people who deep down inside actually don't like you??

I've been in conversations with said smart woman and hear them complaining about features that they hate about themselves. Even worse I have a friend who is a photographer and these are the types of requests he gets on a daily from women (note these are actual requests):

"Can you make my nose smaller and my chin slimmer?"

"Make my eyes bigger and brighter and remove my freckles."

"Change my nose, eye colour, face shape and skin colouring??"

Seriously?? Who are you trying to impress and why?? This explains why some women look entirely different in person than they do on their WhatsApp profile pics!

But It's So Much Easier These Days to Change Your Look

As scary as it is, most women don't need photographers or badass photoshop skills to get the effects as mentioned earlier! Any smartphone camera comes with a beauty-setting these days where you can alter the way your face looks, features include:

  • Face Slimming
  • Skin Contouring
  • Whiten Skin
  • Brighten Eyes
  • Enlarge Eyes
  • Fuller Lips
  • Smaller Nose

Really now ladies?? Is this the effects you are after?

Source: Pexels

Give Yourself A Break and Love our Flaws

Be old school and slap on a little bit of makeup to feel good, don't paint a portrait on your face. If you want a thinner face, chances are you probably want a healthier looking body - use that selfie and image enhancing time to do some cardio, it will pay off naturally in the long term!

You Really don't need to look like a fake-ass empty person! Learn to love your self, wrinkles and freckles and all! Who cares if you get fewer likes on Instagram from people you don't actually know?

Focus your time on building more meaningful relationships with real people, and increasing your self-worth!! Stop breaking yourself down and develop a better self-image of yourself. Learn to love YOU!


Much Love From Sunny Cape Town, @mimismartypants

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