#Ulog Psychiatric Nursing Part 2 : Causes of Mental Disorders

HI Steemians. This is the part 2 of the book that I was reading. The facts and phenomena concerning mental disorders appear to be multiple and complex, thus preventing us from identifying anyone specific etiologic factor as the sole cause of mental illness.
In certain conditions, such as cerebral arteriosclerosis, general paresis , and the traumatic psychose, investigators have offered partially satisfactory explanations of the basic causes of these disorders. In other psychiatric conditions, notably schizophrenia, manic depressive psychoses, paranoia and the like, a definite, causative factor continues to elude scientific research.Brain Mental Disorder.jpg
Because Individuals are composed of an inseparable soma and psyche, the causes of mental illness appear to involve the human being's complete physical and mental health.

Predisposing causes are those conditions which make the individual susceptible to the effect of the later, precipitating cause thus more likely to develop a psychosis.cause.png

The inheritance factor has always been a controversial one. some psychiatrists much empahasis upon its importance. Others condemn the amount of attention directed toward inheritance as an etiologic possibility. In a few psychiatric conditions, direct inheritance has been well demonstrated.

There are three periods in life when persons appear to be constitutionally vulnerable to mental disorder: adolescence, the menopause, and the senile period.age.jpg

Generally speaking, sex in itself does not predispose one to, or protect one againts, mental disorder.

Source: The Book of Psychiatric Nursing

This is it. I hope you stay tune until my next blog was released. Thank you for supporting my blog.
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