ULOG 7: I Met Some Real SteemMonsters Today

I accidentally ran into a couple of @steemmonsters earlier today. Fortunately, they appeared to be really nice - not vicious at all


Day Off

Because I had an appointment with a doctor today, my girlfriend took the day off to come with me. (Isn't she a sweety??)

We were back home by noon, so we had plenty of time to spend together.
We had been talking about visiting the second-hand store a couple of towns away from our home, but had never found the time to go together. This seemed to be an excellent occasion.

Since we both love shopping, we spent quite some time in the store. When they started dimming the lights, we rushed to the counter to pay for everything we had bought.

And Then I Saw Them

And there they were... Nicely placed in a glass box - I still don't know why. Were they in there to make sure no one would steal them, or did the owners from the store want to protect the customers - us - from some vicious attacks of the deadly @steemmonsters?

The guy behind the counter probably thought I was crazy, because I got all excited and took loads of pictures. In fact, I was so busy taking pictures I actually forgot to ask what they were selling for. Can you believe that? I simply forgot to buy them.

I might go back to the store later this week and get them after all. They were adorable, and since I'm suffering from a severe @steemmonsters addiction at the moment, it just feels right.

Meanwhile, I can show you the close-ups of the ones that were willing to pose for the photographer.
I haven't given them a name yet. I'll leave that up to you. Feel free to give me your suggestions in the comments section.



I think they would fit in the @steemmonsters collection perfectly, don't you?


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