Looking back; My Steemit Journey. Snook's Ulog 44

I can be my own worst enemy when things start to go up the giant hill.

I had a chance to look back, really look back, on my Steemit life today(7.25.18). You see I was invited to Ma1ne & Snekky's radio show the other day to be interviewed.

Image Stolen from @ma1neevent

My first thought, when asked, was "Why me?" Discord Messages went back and forth. I found out they didn't message the wrong person. They really did want me.

The weirdest thing about me is I can sit in front of a camera, babble, ramble, and speculate for hours on end, but just talk about me, plain me? I get a bit blank. I'm not very good talking about just 'me' so my nerves were a bit on edge this morning, to say the least.

To combat my nerves and calm my head, I wrote out a list of my journey on Steemit for the 303 days I have been here.

It goes a bit like this...

@mariannewest's Freewrite's gave me my first taste of how it was to find people that lifted you up for trying. People that just wanted to read a good story. It didn't have to be perfect, you just had to try. I grew in that Freewrite place for a long time. I stayed in my own very small world of Steemit, never venturing into Discord. I am happy I did.

Image Stolen from @mariannewest

@Simgirl and @Minnowsupport next came into the picture. I helped @simgirl do her radio show. Many lessons were learned by doing the show 'Sim Your Life'. The most important one being my body could only take so much before it just started to shut down. A weekly two-hour radio show ended up being way too much for my body to handle. I had to stop doing the show.

Image from @snook

Finding myself now on Discord, I went searching for a home. A Discord Group that fit me and who I was. I sucked up my pride, wrote my application to The Alliance, and posted it. I soon found myself in the 'Playground'. A few hickup's were had while in the 'playground'. Let's just say, #enginewittymademedoit and leave it at that. A week later I was accepted into The Family and 'The Castle' was now home.

Image Stolen from @thealliance

Once in the Alliance, I started to meet really cool people I would never have met otherwise. One of those persons was @inthenow. He is a really great guy that write's all his own music. He amazes me with what he can come up with when he is in the mood to write music. Me being me, not thinking about how bad it could go, asked if I could 'borrow' one of the new songs he had just made one day. From there a friendship based on many things was formed.

Image Stolen from @inthenow

Nemesis by @Inthenow and @Snook

Bad Karaoke was made next along with @simgirlandsnook. We had a ball and many laughs watching all the video's over the last 5 months. So much support from so many great people was humbling, to say the least. People came out of their shells to join in on all the fun. Thank You all for that too!

Image Stolen from @simgirlandsnook

One faith-filled day I happened to meet @Surpassinggoogle and hear him talk about #Ulogs. He and #Ulogs won my heart that day. I did something then that I never do and hate doing; Research. I looked high and low for any and all information I could on Ulogs. What they were, what they stood for and found an idea, a simple idea, that still brings tears to my eyes. Witness @Steemgigs had found a way for everyone in the world to be equal.

Image Stolen from @surpassinggoogle

Finally feeling better from being so overtired every day of the week, I started working slowly on my video editing skills by making some people Gif's. Some I made too fancy, some too big and some just right. It ended up a win, win on all accounts. I learned many new ways of editing film by making the Gif's for friends. The cool thing was that it didn't feel like work. Making something special for a friend, even while learning is just plain fun.

Vote for Witness guiltyparties!

Image from @snook

Still learning and growing slowly in everything I was trying out, I became friends with this really cool and hilarious person called @shadowspub. She is a person that talks straight and true. If you are wrong about some strange notion you might have the word 'BULLSHIT' might be said to you. Whenever the two of you might need a laugh the word Bullshit now just needs to be typed.

To connect and trust someone on the internet is a very rare thing. I have been blessed on Steemit in many ways where this is concerned.

Image Stolen from @shadowspub

I once again became a bit bored so had an idea about a new show. One that would not wear me out. One that I had total control of so I didn't have to feel guilty if I was having a bad day. The worst thing for me, is telling people that are counting on you, that you can not make it that day.

Lucky for me by this time I had met this other really cool woman named @Artemisnorth. I'm not sure why but she decided to put up with me being me. One night I messaged her and asked her if she had any free time. I had an idea I wanted to try out but needed another person on video to set up OBS correctly. We laughed and joked as I swore to high heaven while trying to get OBS to do what I wanted it to do. Having @Artemisnorth there to joke with made it so much easier.

Once I finally had all the thingies, doohickies, and whatchamacallit's in place on OBS I asked a question that could have gone either way. The question was, "Would you be the first guest on my new show that I'm thinking about doing? Oh, also I'm not 100% sure if it will work?" @Artemisnorth, being the wonder she is, said, "Uhmmm.....?" and the rest is history. Pants are Optional was born.

The links to past episodes can be found in the #pants-are-optional-episodes channel in the Steemit Ramble Discord under The 'Rambling Radio' channels. Thank You @Shadowspub!!

Then came Facerig. Thank you @dreemsteem and @scuzzy for finding that application!!

The story goes like this.......I found a new setting in Facerigs and wanted to try it out. It was very late at night. Guess who was still awake? Yup, someone I call more than a friend and who had written a post that faithful morning that had me still a bit upset. @Artemisnorth once again was awake. She was more than happy to help me figure out some more settings and thingamabobs on OBS so I could now record both of us live while in our Facerig avatars.

A few more laughs and jokes were tossed about and uhmmm.............

Late night Steemit Show's are born!

In the form of a show called 'First World Problems'.

This show comes with a bit of a warning. It has adult language and jokes. It will be broadcast on @Dlive after normal North America viewing hours. Artemisnorth and I talk about everything and anything and laugh a whole heck of a lot. If you are ever up late at night and can not sleep, check to see if we are live on Dlive. For right now, there is not a show schedule. It's a show to be done when we are in need of laughs or just because. Sometimes in life, it's good not to have a set schedule and just go with the flow. Surprises are the best after all.

The links to past episodes can be found in the #First-World-Problems-episodes channel in the Steemit Ramble Discord under The 'Rambling Radio' channels.

Which brings me to today. My 304th day on Steemit. Here is a bit of advice for those that have made it this far in my post.


If you are like me and do things slowly, know that it's okay. Enjoy the ride. First things only happen once. Enjoy every 'once' you can.

Steemit has been a long, long road to get to where I am now and I'm still just a goldfish swimming around. The difference is I'm a happy goldfish enjoying being me and letting the rest of what Steemit has to offer come in its own time.

Remember to find some laughter in each day!



Vote for Witness Enginewitty!

Vote for Witness Steemgigs!

Vote for Witness Jackmiller!


Sweet footer made by @enginewitty!

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