Recent Randoms: Ulog #13

It's been awhile since I've done a Ulog, so why not today!

Things haven't been that interesting in my life, but I'll try to make this fun to read anyway. šŸ˜

So what's up with snowpea?

Well, one major decision has been made, and I'm actually really torn up about it. I'm sending my children back to public school. šŸ™ A big part of the reason was the CPS scare. Also partly because my husband is still out of work and I don't have any financial resources, partly because of pressure from some family members, partly because the number of kids I have would make it hard to get everything done in a day, partly because I get resistance from the kids for trying to make them do their curriculum.


I'm going to miss them very much. I worry about bullying. I worry about what they are going to be exposed to. I hate the thought of having them be in the system again. Everyone thinks this is the best thing for them under the circumstances, but I still feel like I'm going against who I am and what I know. Naomi and Chloe are excited, so it makes my decision easier. I have not yet told Javin, as I know he will be devastated - and I'm not ready to listen to him beg and plead to be homeschooled.

On another note, yesterday was fun!


Chloe and Sophia volunteered to do the dishes again! For a six year old and a three year old, they do a pretty good job too!


After her bath yesterday, Chloe wanted her hair in pig-tails, and I couldn't believe how long her hair is getting! It's all the way down to her butt! She says she wants it to be long like Rapunzel's hair, and I think we're starting to get there lol.


The kids have been playing a lot of Fortnite with their dad.


Ever hear of that game? It's probably the only game I can tolerate watching without wanting to gouge my eyes out. I don't play it though, as I'm only good at fighting games like Smash Brothers and Arms.

Sophia is so cute at this age! (She's 3)

She was a total ham yesterday! I'll share some of the quirky things she said:

Sophia: "Did you save me from a monster?"

Me: "I never have, but I would."

Sophia: "You would save me from a monster???"

Me: "Of course I would save you from a monster."

Sophia: "Girl monsters are really really weird looking because they just keep getting older and older and older, and they get really weird looking."


Sophia: "Mom, I want crackers."

Me: "You really need to learn to say please little girl."

Sophia: "Can I have some crackers? Please little girl?"

(The funniest part was that she meant for it to be a joke.)



While Sophia and Priscilla we're helping in the kitchen, I was making meatballs, and I told them, "Don't touch this, it's raw meat." Sophia asked, "....But mom, why are you making us rotten meat?" "No honey, RAW meat. It hasn't been cooked yet. I wouldn't make you rotten meat."


She also proclaimed that there is no mom in the whole wide world that has bangs. Only kids have bangs. I corrected her on that and she didn't believe me. I thought to myself, I really need to take her out more, and prove to her that some moms have bangs.


Technology sucks sometimes.

So does two factor authentication. I don't want to be texted a code! Especially when the phone I have texting on is missing. A password is enough. I'm saying this because I currently can't get into coinbase.


I also have to use my phone for everything now because the built in mouse is gone from the computer for some reason. Takes twice as long to post. šŸ˜– I tried troubleshooting, and it's like the mouse never even existed. Not sure what happened there... can't afford a plug-in one at this time.

So that's my current life in a nutshell! Hope you enjoyed!

Love, snowpea ā¤


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