When We Dodge One Bullet, It's Luck. When We Dodge Many, It's A Miracle! Ulog #10

This will be my happiest Ulog yet!

When everything was supposed to fall apart, it didn't. When everything was supposed to be destroyed, it wasn't. Have you ever had a time in your life when something or someone very important to you was almost lost forever, but somehow there was a rebound? Kind of like you dodged a bullet?

The last nine months were some of the hardest of my life, but somehow, we escaped not just one bullet, but many of them. Just as Neo gained strength in The Matrix, our family gained strength. The strength to stop them in their tracks.

The bullets that came toward us were enough to bring about widespread and devastating destruction for our family. Each one carrying with it pain and suffering that would penetrate to our core. The gun does not appear to be pointed at us anymore though, so we are counting ourselves blessed to have made it through. Here are some things we have victory over today.

Bullet # 1: CPS

We could've had our children taken away. Months ago, I told my mother about a concern I had about my depressed husband using my pills to feel better. We had also started homeschooling. My mom or someone she told called CPS and they saw this as cause to launch an investigation. We did everything wrong! Against @canadian-coconut's and many other's advice, we let them in. We told them too much. We let them interview the children. We didn't resist when they ordered urine tests. We were lied to about being notified of what's going on, and about how many tests we would have to do. They invaded our privacy, stole our dignity, and were coming up to 6 times a month to watch us pee without any notice.

They were trying with all their might to build a case against us. That's what they get paid to do after all...but they didn't have one. When the social worker and detective met with my husband and I the last time, we had to go seperately so they could try and divide us. We reluctantly accepted the idea of a voluntary agreement into their programs, programs we would have to follow or face the risk of our kids being stolen from us. You see, they threatened us, saying the more we resist, and I quote, "The more things will be done to you." They asked many questions. They were trying to seek my every weakness to use against me. When they asked what support I have, one of the things I blurted out was, "I have a lot of support online. I'm a blogger on Steemit," and they both wrote it down. Little did they know I was blogging about them and everything they were doing to us. The social worker said she would come to our house the following day to have us sign the agreement, and guess what.

She never came!

We don't really know why. Was it because they saw my blog about them, and all the support from @familyprotection and other friends? I don't know but something stopped them in their tracks! It's been almost two months since she was supposed to come. It's scary to say this because I don't want to jinx it, but I think it's over! No more fear! No more dread! No more control!

Bullet #2: Depression and Unemployment


In November, my husband, Jared started getting depressed. He quit his job. We stopped going to church. We stopped going to family functions. He stopped taking care of himself. Pretty much everything stopped. I watched helplessly as the strong man I knew turned into a shell of what he was, and for months he was basically planted to either the bed or the couch as our lives were falling apart around us. I was able to pay the bills up until recently, then we were completely broke, often out of household items until a family member came through or a visit to the food pantry. STEEM, sbd, and bitcoin weren't getting much anymore. We were on a waiting list for him to see a professional other than just his doctor, who prescribed pills, and It was taking months.

Jared started to get better little by little, but what really pushed him back was me getting a job to support us all. Something broke through, and he just felt the intense guilt of me having to go out and work while he stayed home. He went through the yellow pages and started making phone calls. One business owner talked to him for an hour! Jared thought maybe he was given the run around though. Well the next day (which happens to be yesterday), the man called back! Someone actually quit on him, giving Jared an opening!

Jared is hired!!

The man is meeting with him tomorrow to show him around and have him fill out paperwork! He starts work Monday!!

Bullet #3: Losing our Home

Due to Jared having been out of work and us not being able to pay, the banker in charge of our mortgage had been calling us almost daily. We were ignoring him because we didn't have any answers for him as to when or how we could give him the money. Then he stopped calling. A few days ago, we got certified mail saying that if we didn't make a payment by mid August, the process of foreclosure would start. Jared sat down and drew up a payment plan that would get us back on track since he now has a job. He talked to the banker today, who agreed to the plan! We need to sign it and drop it off. We are now no longer at risk of losing our house, as long as we follow through with the payment plan! Hooray!!

Bullet #4: Divorce


There were a couple occasions during this trial in which I seriously contemplated the breaking up of our marriage. I was frustrated and not understanding why Jared couldn't just be himself again, and was on the verge of kicking him out. I would try to make it on my own, and surely it would've ruined the children along the way. I really didn't know what else to do. Then someone reached out to me on messenger. We only talked once or twice before, but she felt the need to tell me her story about her husband's depression years ago, and how they overcame. She helped me put our situation into perspective, and I decided to not give up on Jared. Really he's been my best friend for the majority of our adulthood, and when we married, I didn't say only in health will I stay with you or only when things are good.

Having dodged these bullets, we have been given a new lease on life, and I am so excited about our future!

Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤

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