Sensitising Students On Road Usage Tips And Road Signs

Today was a very busy day as I was told am a guest speaker at a sensitisation programme in a high school , although was not surprised because I am the commander in chief of the Federal Road safety Corps Club of my Local Government (Anambra East) in Nigeria.
As a member of this club, we are saddled with the responsibility of sensitising members of the community (vehicle owners/drivers) and also (pedestrian) on the basic tips of road usage, this will help in the reduction of road accidents , calamity of pedestrian because once they are able to follow the rules, accidents will be avoided.

So I went with my colleagues to the venue of the sensitisation in which I was told to lecture the students on the various safety tips and precautions that should be followed when using the road as a pedestrian which include :

  1. Looking the left, right and then left again before crossing.
  2. Knowing that the red sign on the road represent stop, green means go and yellow means slowdown
  3. Always use and so on



**Reading and explanation of the road safety tips to the students **

I also lectured the students about the different road sign that can be seen on the road which many may not know the meaning, examples include
1.The one way sign

  1. The can breakdown sign
  2. The Bend road sign and so on


Talking about the signs in the picture above
And Later we introduced the club to the students telling them the benefits of joining the club and the procedure of joining because we vividly believe joining

And we later brought the programme to an end by singing the National Anthem and snapping of pictures with the students


Here we are on our feet singing the National Anthem


Here the students are on their feet singing the National Anthem


**Here we snapped with the students **

That was how all went today.... Thanks for taking your time to read it, I still remain @sola3097.

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