Task Request: Restructure Our Homepage & Add Ulog-Communities. + (500 Steem Bounty If Done In 7 Days Or 550 Steem If Done In 5 days).



Ulogs.org blockchain-based social network where everyone can create ULOGS, become "true celebrity" (ULOGGERS), have a community of  "true fans" and earn a variety of rewards and the currency called "steem". 
It is a fork of busy.org as well. Thus, being familiar with the busy.org helps.  

Quick Note

This task is referred to as '1 and a half' and it now has a (additional) bounty of 500 steem, if you complete it in 7 days or a (additional) bounty of 550 steem, if you complete it in 5 days.

Basically, this task request constitutes of two tasks. One of the two tasks however, has been partially worked on. The task was originally written some '1 month and 6 days ago' but due to some circumstances, the developers who decided to take these tasks up, were not able to complete the tasks and this has drastically put the project behind schedule.

If you want to participate, kindly analyze the tasks at hand (set up locally), to be sure that you can stick to the time-allotment for the task.

If you are designated to undertake any of the tasks, we would like you to be able to send a PR to our  repository each day, however small your coding-contribution is.  Alternatively, you can provide us with a repository, where we can  monitor your progress each day. 

This will give us an avenue to inspire you (where needed) to stick to the time-allotment for the task or move on fast, where you are not able to actively contributing.

Task Request


There are two tasks at hand, each having an additional steem bounty.  

  1. Adjust the general UI structure of our homepage and pages across ulogs.org (Additional 300 steem bounty)
  2. Help Us Restructure The UI For Existing Ulog-Communities & Help Us Create A Simple Portal That Allows Users Create Ulog-Communites (Additional bounty of 200 steem)

We expect each or both tasks to be completed in a 'total of 7 days'. Where you are able to complete tasks in 5 days, there will be an additional 'total of 50 steem' bounty in the pot. 

This is task request is done via utopian.io! So, we would like contributors to consider doing a post covering their contributions (following utopian guidelines), after their pull request has been approved and merged with our repository. There is a possibility that utopian.io curates these contributions.

Take Note

Ulogs.org is built around a growing list of "certified uloggers". This list can be found on 'https://ulogs.org/discover' or on 'https://steemit.com/@uloggers/followed'

We already have several aspects of our existing code that applies 'algorithms' built around this dynamic list.


  • Currently each certified ulogger has a "certified" badge
  • Each 'certified ulogger' has a 'delegate' button beneath their (un-expanded) posts.
  • Our 'interesting uloggers' column only suggests 'certified uloggers'
  • etc.....
Several of the tasks below will also be built around 'the list of certified uloggers'; so, taking a look at the existing code may simplify the tasks.

Getting Started

1. Adjust the general UI structure of our homepage and pages across ulogs.org (Additional 300 steem bounty/time-frame = 7 days)

Please read this before proceeding:

This task has had some contributions from two developers. You may want to continue building on what they have already built while fixing bugs that may be present or build yours afresh. You can find their contributions to this task request, in the current repository (develop branch).

Here is a summary of what started in relation to the task at hand:

  • A restructure of the homepage (upon login) began. (not completed)
  • The ulog-stories column was added. (not fully functional)
  • The ulog-stories editor was started. (not fully functional)
  • The chat-bar on homepage (upon login) was started (not fully functional)

Here are related screenshots:

Task Proper (as it was originally written)

We want to exhaust as much landscape (webpage dimension) as possible by adding more default columns etc to the pages & homepages across ulogs.org

First, we will tackle the UI page structure of our homepage (upon login). This will now form the basis for other pages.

Our homepage structure currently looks like this (upon login):

We now want our homepage structure to look like this:


Note the only aspect of 'our pages' that will not contain this 'chat area' segment is user profiles i.e user profiles will maintain its current look. 

The page structure depicted in the image earlier will also be the default for hashtag URL-spaces across ulogs.org i.e hashtags across ulogs.org e.g 'https://ulogs.org/created/steem' (#steem) should look like this:

Now, onto explaining the various additions to our new homepage and how 'functions'......

You will notice that we have added some more 'clickable tabs' to the left-most menu column. 

These are the new tab additions:

  • Marketplace 
  • Ulog-Communities 
  • Exchanges 
  • Giveaways 
  • Crowdfunding
For now, each of these new tabs show relay as short "Coming Soon" message, when users click on them.

Another core addition that we are adding to our new page structure is the "Ulog-Stories" segment. 

This segment will should be fully functional at the end of this task. 

Most of the code to make this 'ulog-stories' segment work already exists in our current repository. You may need to seek these aspects of the current code out and replicate them.

The "add the ulog-story" button, when clicked upon, should open a simple portal like this below:

You will notice from the screenshot above, that when users click on the 'add a ulog-stories' button, a 'quick editor' portal opens up (while the background grades out), which allows users to create a quick ulog under a variety of ulog-categories (ulog-subtags) that fall under 'ulog-stories'

Note that we already have a 'quick editor' across ulogs.org that you can replicate and currently, this 'quick editor' already has '#ulog' as the default first tag.

See this:

The difference however is, for the 'Ulog-stories quick editor', you will now need to add a 'categories tab' function, that allows users to select from a list of Ulog-Stories 'categories'

'Selected categories' will now form the second hashtag for the eventually created post, with '#ulog' already constituting the first default hashtag.

Below is the list of current Ulog-Stories categories

For instance, if a user uses the Ulog-Stories editor and selects '#ulog-unfinishedarts' as category, this becomes the second tag for his post (where '#ulog' is the default first tag). This means that his post will populate on https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-unfinishedarts and will also appear as a post under our primary (umbrella) tag, '#ulog'.

Now, here is the technical part..... 

Recall that ulogs.org is an ecosystem that seeks inventive ways of celebrating 'humans'. We being your ultimate "true fans". 

The 'ulog-stories' display column thus, will constitute a UI perk for 'certified uloggers' only. In general, only 'certified uloggers' can be given face on our UI. 

This means that, while every user (certified/non-certified) can use the Ulog-Stories editor to post to the steem blockchain, only such posts from 'certified uloggers' will appear on the 'ulog-stories display column' on ulogs.org

We want to create value for the role "certified" across our UI

First things first, the code algorithm for the 'ulog-stories' segment should be able to ascertain from the onset, whenever users click on the "Add a ulog-story" button, whether the user is a 'certified ulogger' or not. 

If the user is "certified', the editor portal that should show up, is this:

On the other hand, if user who clicked on the 'add a ulog-story' is not 'certified' (i.e not on the list 'https://steemit.com/@uloggers/followed'), the editor portal that should pop up is this:

Raw bottom text: [Please note that while you will be able to successfully post to steem and ofcourse have your post appear on ulogs.org (as a post), your post will not be displayed on our "Ulog-Stories" display-column as this column is reserved for "certified uloggers" only. However, every(any)one can become "certified". We invite you to contact us!]

Possible algorithm

When users click on the 'Add a ulog-story' button, check if user is 'certified' or 'not certified' (i.e on the list  'https://steemit.com/@uloggers/followed'). Based on this, pop up corresponding editor portal as indicated earlier.

Now, if user is 'certified' and completes a post (ulog-story), his post can appear on the "Ulog-Stories" display-column, else cant!

By "Ulog-Stories" display-column, we are referring to this:

  • This ulog-stories column displays only ulog-stories created by 'certified uloggers'. 
  • The 'view' button expands the actual post, like a normal ulogs.org post. 
  • The 'view more' button should display more certified ulogger profiles within the same column and their corresponding ulog-stories. (Posts displayed here should populate inorder of "new" or "recent".)

This the raw text for the "Add A Ulog-Story" area:

[Share images, ulography, graphics, ulogifs, ulog-news, ulog-arts, ulog-unfinishedarts, ulog-drafts, ulog-memes, ulog-resolutions, ulog-quotes, ulog-showerthoughts, plain text etc freshly-created by you, today.]

Summary (ulog-stories)

Ulog-Stories is another way of inciting users to be part of our ecosystem. It enables them to be inventive in creating freshly-made content daily, exposing them further to 'true fans' and opportunities as well as some additional organic promotion etc. Thus, creating further value for 'humans' and for the role 'certified' etc

We also want to create additional incentive for users to hangout on and use ulogs.org to create content. Thus, our 'ulog-stories display column' will only show posts that were created using the 'Add a ulog-story' editor.

For now, 'ulog-stories quick editor' will only allow photos/text/GIF-format. In the future, we will look into video-format, where videos are allowed to disappear.

Back to other aspects of the new homepage structure.

The right-side of the screen will now contain a static 'chat area' as mentioned earlier. Below, i will explain the current functionality that we expect.......

The top area of the chat area column has some tabs. 

Some of these tabs will have a "Coming Soon" status!

For instance, the 'Ulog-Games' tab will relay a "Coming Soon" message, when users click on it. 

This area will eventually have actual games (uloggers-based playable games). 

In the near term however, we will use this area to showcase daily games/contests created by 'Certified Uloggers', that offer prizes everyday.

We want users of ulogs.org to have a guaranteed way of earning some rewards each day, like a faucet. We want to have visitors, who visit ulogs.org for the reason of earning some rewards per day.

This segment is also a UI perk for certified uloggers. Certified uloggers will eventually have their daily ulog-games/contests featured here. This is another way that ulogs.org will use in giving "certified uloggers" (true celebrities) further limelight.

The UloggersTV tab will show pull random videos from UloggersTV channel on YouTube. If that is difficult to pull off; you can make the thumbnails on display, lead to the following YouTube videos:

The Buy/Sell steem Tab

Will also only showcase buy/sell posts from "certified uloggers". For now, this portion will relay a "Coming Soon" status, when users try to explore it (click on it).

"The chat area"

By chat area, we refer to this:

While our DM function will not work just yet, we want users to already know that it is "Coming Soon". 

For now, within the scope of this task, we want this area to have some functionality. First, the top area will contain a header called "Direct Messaging" and some follow-up text.

This is the Raw Text for the follow-up text:

[This feature is "Coming Soon". When this feature is fully-functional, "certified uloggers" will be able to use it and all its functions. If you are not yet "certified", you will be able to DM "Certified Uloggers" but you will only be able to view their response, when you become a "Certified Ulogger". Contact us on uloggers@gmail.com to get "Certified".]

Being that the "Chat area" provides a perk to "Certified Uloggers" only, we will like to already display this on our UI. Thus, we would like you to pull up and display the thumbnail of all users currently on our certified uloggers list in this chat area. Users will be able to scroll up or down on this list and search this list by username.

Users should also be able to search a users by name, by using the search box beneath the chat area.

Having explain everything about the new homepage structure that we want to build, we will now come to the structure of our homepage (prior to login) as well as other pages across ulogs.org and how their default look will be.

Prior to login, our current homepage looks like this:

At the end of this task, our homepage (prior to login) should now look like this:

Some items will require login to proceed as expected

Hashtag spaces in general e.g #steemit, #travel, #teardrops etc will also now carry this look, to tally with our new default page structure:

The page structure for general hashtags e.g steemit, teardrops etc indicated in the screenshot above, excludes already existing ulog-communities and ulog-subtags created using our "create a ulog-community" portal. 
Please read later part of this post to understand better.

2. Help Us Restructure The UI For Existing Ulog-Communities & Help Us Create A Simple Portal The Allows Users Create Ulog-Communities (Additional bounty of 200 steem)

In this task, we want to kick-start the framework that allows users to create eventual 'ulog-communities'. We spoke about "communities" in the earlier part of this post.

Recall that the path to creating an eventual ulog-community, begins with the creation of a #ulog-subtag

Ofcourse, on steem, everyone can create a new hashtag, which automatically creates a corresponding URL/web-space that can be found on https://steemit.com/created/newhashtag. 

Creating a new hashtag-space is as easy and as instant as using the 'new hashtag' as one of the 5 hashtags underneath a newly-created post. 

On ulogs.org, a newly-created hashtag also creates a corresponding URL/web-space on https://ulogs.org/created/newhashtag

Speaking of a ulog-subtag; it is simply 'a hashtag', but it is always prefixed by '#ulog-' and by default a hashtag created on the steem blockchain is 24-characters-long. Example of existing ulog-subtags are #ulog-diy, #ulog-ned, #ulog-quotes etc 

In this task, we will be focusing only on hashtags that are prefixed by '#ulog-' (i.e ulog-subtags)

Now, while some 'ulog-subtags' may continue to maintain the status, "ulog-subtags", some of these existing ulog-subtags will grow and begin to form "ulog-communities". The distinction is evident on our UI, even currently.

Currently, this distinction is slightly visible on our UI but we want to make the distinction clearer, hence this task request.

We are giving a general overview before the main details, so that developers who want to contribute can have a broad vision of what we are trying to accomplish. Also, this overview covers some of the potential algorithms needed to carry out the task.

We want to do two things in this task:

  • Create a simple portal that allows users to actually create a "Ulog-Subtag"
  • Establish the new default UI structure for our "ulog-communities".

a. Create a simple portal that allows users to actually create a "Ulog-Subtag"

We want to create a simple layer or portal, that makes the creation of 'ulog-subtags' a more intuitive process". 

Users will now also be able to create fresh ulog-subtags (potential ulog-communities) by using a simple portal named "Create a ulog-community".

Our focus is only on #ulog-subtags and will not involve regular hashtags like #misunderstood, #botany #steemit etc meaning that this simple portal will apply the use of a "syntax algorithm".

Being that this is a UI feature (perk) exclusive only to 'certified uloggers' (by our UI standard); only certified uloggers will be able to use the "create a ulog-community" button. 

Non-certified uloggers who click on the "create a ulog-community" button, would be referred instead to a separate page or pop-up message, reminding them that the feature is only for those "certified" and intimating them on how to apply to be "Certified".

Below is, the raw-text for the actual "display message' relayed to non-certified uloggers, who click on the 'create a ulog-community' button:

[Thank you for attempting to create a Ulog-Community. However, this feature is only available to 'certified uloggers'. See if you are a certified ulogger on ulogs.org/discover, else send an email to uloggers@gmail.com to apply.]

Details proper

Since we don't have a real "search" mechanism on ulogs.org yet, there be no need for enabling this portal to sort or classify newly-created ulog-subtags according to various niches. That being said, the portal we will be creating is simple and straight-forward. This will change with subsequent development.

Note that portal is simply a UI layer, that plays a role similar to "users creating a #ulog-subtag by adding a new #ulog-subtag as one of the hashtags underneath a created-post.

Here is an image depicting what we want:

The page above can be on https://ulogs.org/create-community

As simple-looking as the portal appears, it will need an algorithm. Based on the overview from earlier, you will notice that this page will need to check the 'syntax' and 'availability' of the 'name' selected by users. 

By default, each name they select will already be prefixed by "ulog-"

Possible algorithm:

Check if name being typed (eventual ulog-subtag) already exists. If the name is not available, suggest its 'unavailability' to user. 

i.e scan through every steem hashtag prefixed by "#ulog-" and mark it 'unavailable'.

Then, check syntax and approve or suggest error. (Syntax being: Maximum of 19 characters, all small letters and no numerals or special characters).

If name syntax and availability is met, go on to create load up https://ulogs.org/created/newulog-subtag

Now, there is a small twist! 

Considering or assuming that, we have already changed the general UI design/structure for our pages to this:

Then, any ulog-subtag created using our "create a ulog-community" portal should have default UI design that looks like this:

Did you notice how it looks like slightly different from the UI structure for a generic newly-created hashtag space? 

See this:

Summary ('create a ulog-community' portal)

At the end of the task, any new ulog-subtag using the "create a ulog-community" button, should create a ulogs.org/created/newulog-subtag webspace that looks like this by default:

i.e apart from the general new structure of the page, it should have a collapse header component titled "convert #ulog-respectivename to a Ulog-Community", which when expanded, should have the default text below:

[Thank you for beginning the process of creating a "Ulog-Community". To further the process, start by contributing ulogs under this ulog-subtag and inviting others to do the same. You can start now! Simply visit this editor on 'https://ulogs.org/main-editor' to contribute a ulog and make sure to use the ulog-subtag here as one of the tags underneath your post.

To complete the process of creating a 'Ulog-Community', kindly send an email containing your intention to uloggers@gmail.com

Note: Anyone can choose to complete the process!]

b. Restructure the UI design for existing ulog-communities.

A ulog-community is an upgrade from the ulog-subtag. 

This is indicated by the UI design. Currently, a ulog-subtag space starts out like this:

While a ulog-community currently looks like this:

You will notice that unlike a simple #ulog-subtag URL space, a ulog-community has some additional features.

Note also that ulog-communities have dedicated editors attached to them e.g the 'ulog-diy community' on' https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-diy' has its dedicated specialized editor on 'https://ulogs.org/ulog-diy'

On our current UI structure for ulog-communities, we haven't been able to portray 'the general vision for ulog-communities' and 'create a clear distinction between a ulog-subtag and a ulog-communities' well enough because we were concerned about 'not disrupting the rendering of our site on mobile' but we want to change that now.

We now want to adjust the UI design of our existing ulog-communities, making it look this:


Below i will cite the list of existing ulog-communities, so that you easily find each to adjust the general default UI of this area. 


  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-diy
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-howto
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-ned
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-surpassinggoogle
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-quotes
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-snookmadedoit
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulogifs
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-memes
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-utopian
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-blocktrades
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-bobbylee
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-showerthoughts
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-gratefulvibes
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-kusknee
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-papapepper
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulography
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-teamsteem
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-dimimp
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-steemjet
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-sweetsssj
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-surfyogi
  • https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-resolutions

Then two core communities that form part of the ulogs.org ecosystem:

  • https://ulogs.org/created/teardrops
  • https://ulogs.org/created/untalented
The general UI structure for each of the addresses enlisted above, will now look like the image shown earlier i.e like this:

Now, you will notice that is structure is slightly different from the new structure of our homepage etc. Our 'ulog-communities' possess features and columns that makes it a community. Let's touch on how some of the segments on our 'ulog-communities' UI below:

You will notice the video embed segment:

We don't have all the videos ready yet for each individual ulog-community, so the default video to embed for most of the ulog-communities enlisted earlier is this:

We currently have temporary videos however, for https://ulogs.org/created/ulography and https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-snookmademedoit. 

Below are the two videos to embed in these two ulog-communities:



Now, we also have the 'About us' segment i.e:

First thing to note here is the 'Post Now' button! We currently have 5 ulog-communities that have "dedicated editors"

This means that the 'Post Now' button for these 5 ulog-communities should lead directly to respective dedicated editors. 

Below i will enlist the 5 ulog-communities and the URL for their respective dedicated editors:

  • The ulog-diy 'Post Now' button should lead to the editor on 'https://ulogs.org/ulog-diy'
  • The ulog-howto 'Post Now' button should lead to the editor on 'https://ulogs.org/ulog-howto'
  • The ulog-ned 'Post Now' button should lead to the editor on 'https://ulogs.org/ulog-ned'
  • The ulog-quotes 'Post Now' button should lead to the editor on 'https://ulogs.org/ulog-diy'
    The ulog-surpassinggoogle 'Post Now' button should lead to the editor on 'https://ulogs.org/ulog-surpassinggoogle'


  • The #Teardrops 'Post Now' button should lead to the editor on 'https://ulogs.org/teardrops'
  • The #Untalented 'Post Now' button should lead to the editor on 'https://ulogs.org/untalented'
As for the remaining 'ulog-communities' that don't yet have their own 'dedicated editor', their 'Post Now' button should all lead to 'https://ulogs.org/main-editor'

Next, i would have liked to relate the raw text for each of the 'About us' segment for each community but this post has grown bigger than a steem block-size, so i will keep it all short:

a. About #ulog-quotes

[Brief Overview:

This ulog-community is built around Ulog-Quotes. #ulog-quotes is a ulog-subtag that integrates '#ulog' with 'quotes'. Ulogging each day can be as simple & fun as creating your own Ulog-Quotes.

Thus, our community will form a place to deposit/withdraw freshly-invented quotes, drawn solely from the histories/stories within a particular day; and each day and 'YOU' in it, carries its own freshness.

We will start an ever-ongoing movement that will create globally-renown quotes. We will use this means to leave our ulogacies in the spaces. @surpassinggoogle]

Note: all the other ulog-communities enlisted earlier, should have a default text that simply says, ["Welcome To Our Community"]


Looking at the existing codes may simplify the task. 

Recall, that 'task 1' above had some contributions already, while this may help simply the task for you, you may have to clean the bugs that exists with it. Please consider testing your contributions on different browsers, to make share it renders well on each.

If you are a veteran coder and especially, versed with React JS and the busy.org framework, you can certainly carry out your own build. 

We can always discuss possible solutions, logic etc We just may find answers!

Overall, carry out the task according to your preference and expertise, submitting a pull request and thereafter a post, following Utopian's guidelines for Development (contributions). 

Kindly try to maintain existing 'style' across ulogs.org and were possible, please enhance 'rendering' on mobile!


Where a single developer takes the task up, we want to complete the entire task in 7 days as this 2 tasks have been delayed for so long. 

We can discuss time-frame allotment though as it may be negotiable. 


You can contact me on:       

You can also indicate interest by leaving a comment underneath this post or on Github. 
Let's discuss, for a better understanding of the task.


The bounty is a total of 880 steem. May be negotiable depending on discussions. 



This post was made from https://ulogs.org

3 columns
2 columns
1 column