The importance of advise in business consultancy

Hello steemians
Thank God it's another weekend
Just a little advice for the coming week

A customer will always have a sense of belonging when you advise him on his choice of products and services. It shows how interested you are in his

The purpose of every business organisation is to make profit. But then, it should be deeper than just making the profit.
The interest and taste of your customers should be considered first. When you consider their interest and taste before making profit, they will always want to patronize your business. But when you are more concerned about your profit other than the interest of your customer, you will make that profit, but, it might likely be the last time you will ever set your eyes on them in your business.

Every entrepreneur owes his customer, a duty of advising him/her on their choice of products and services.
The business dictionary defined business consultation as; Seeking and giving of advice , information, and/or opinion, usually involving a consideration.
Sadly , very few business organisations advice their customers on what to do.

Customer relations.
If I come into a boutique and I say "I want to buy a corporate shirt for work" , it will be so rude and improper to just end by saying "Sir, we don't sell big size here", "Sir, we don't have your size here" . Saying this alone will make me, the customer, to feel rejected.
A little more of " Sir, we don't have your size here but we have some good shoes you will like. They are really nice and comfortable" will go a long way and at the end of the day, I might end up purchasing 4 pairs of those shoes you recommended to me.

If I am organising a birthday party for my 8th year daughter and I pick up my phone and call Funke, saying "Hello Funke, please I need a birthday cake for my 8th year daughter by weekend" , I expect Funke to say "Ok ma. What flavour? I will recommend you to go for the vanilla or strawberry flavour because it is what children like a lot, but, if you have any other flavour in mind, that would be fine" .
Funke has made my work, easier and better for me. Funke has advised me on what to do and the best flavour for children.
Lack of good business advice has made so many businesses to lose customers. Why? Because we don't advise our customers on what to do and the best choices.
The thin line between persuading a customer and advising a customer is;
In persuading a customer, you are convincing a customer to go for a particular choice of product or services while in advising a customer, you are advising a customer by making some recommendations.
If I go to the Pharmacy to buy a particular malaria drug I have been taking for the past 6 years and the sales representative recommends a good brand that is quite new, a little more expensive but stronger than the former, I will go for that. And at the end of the day if it turns out well for me, that particular drug becomes my favourite malaria drug.
For instance if I buy a drug, take it and I react so much to the drug that my whole body becomes swollen and my body begins to itch me. On getting to the pharmacy to lay a complaint, the sales representative might say "Ah. So sorry. I did not know that you’d react to it" . I would naturally ask, "if you know that this drug has some adverse effects like this, why didn't you tell me ahead of time and advise me on which one to go for?".
There is more to a business than just making profit. I will always pay my loyalty to any business enterprise that advises me on what to do and recommends some products and services to me. It shows that, they are more concerned about my taste and satisfaction other than the profit for the business.

Hope you enjoyed the article?

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