All of us have grandparents. Living on the same roof, or you are just neighbours. Dealing with them composed of tons patience. They have unpredictable behaviour which yourself can’t understand? Have you ever observe and investigate it? Yes I did a million times. The hardest part on dealing with them they always understand our side wrong and it makes them upset. The reason why? The dos and don’ts for them. Doctors prescriptions. They are like kids having tantrums.

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I entitled my #ulog PATIENCE it’s because of my grandmother. She’s living with us, for a long time. She still can walk, can roam around and can do what she wants slowly. Even though her child or my aunt and uncle ask her to live with them and give her pension. She insist to stay with us. To stay with her youngest daughter which is our mama. We are wondering why she refuses. That they have more to offer in terms of food and money. In my point of view, She loves to stay together with my mother because my mama is a good person and let her do whatever she likes, and go wherever she wants, roaming around for the whole day, chat to neighbours, to her friends. Sometimes eat the food in which doctors dis allow her to eat. When shes not feeling well, we take care of her. Offering food and take some medicines. Sometimes my mother get upset and we also her children because she gossips wrong information’s can hit our dignity. Even though we receive information feel us pain, we still give her the 100% respect. We give more patience. We understand growing old is not easy. Even if we can’t take it anymore. Still put a smile in our face. We never hold grudges to her. Honestly we are not like those riches in this world can provide whatever food in the table but we still manages to eat three times a day. Provide medicines cloth and everything basics in our daily living. Yes, that’s why our grandparent wants to stay with us because we can offer not food but we can share love and care to her. Whatever circumstances and behaviour she shows to us.

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