Ulog #5| Headache and Traffic


After my awesome day off from work yesterday it was more than difficult to wake up early this morning and get ready for work, lord have mercy! Only one day off and I'm like this, I wonder if I would ever want to work again if I get a week off but my reluctance was caused by the predictable Lagos traffic. I got to work a little late but thankfully my boss was not in yet so I had the chance to run out to get food to break my fast

The weather was gloomy because of the midnight rain with the occasional slight shower at noon, it was around that 2 pm when I noticed my aching head, it was like someone was pounding on my head, this slowed me down and I couldn't concentrate on the article I was writing, my colleagues asked me what was wrong and when I told her she ran out immediately to get me pain relief drug and my head stopped pounding after taking that.

After submitting my newstory to the editor, I left work exactly 5pm only to run into another traffic worse than the morning traffic,we've been in the same spot since 5: 30 pm and if the traffic warden do not buckle up and do their job properly we might be here till 8 pm, my stomach is already complaining. 😢

Lemme buy spicy chips and eat because its gonna be a very long wait.


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