Ultimate Crochet Contest Winners Post

It has now been exactly 2 weeks since the last contest.

@anjkara and I would like to thank all of you who participated and those who also resteemed and upvoted. Very much appreciated as resteeming will help us grow.


We've had some wonderful entries. Most beautiful pieces of art that were hand crafted with love and passion.

We have @aloha-creations. She entered the contest by showing us a scarf she made, using a thick yarn and vibrant colors. She thinks it's a bit too long, but in my opinion, it is a perfect length.

Picture by @aloha-creations

Here, we have @dankushellart that made a post entry, showing a Minions amigurumi. Well done, for I can say that I have never made one. I can tell that there was lots of time put in this and having to concentrate on number of stitches being made so that the arms and legs match.

Photo by @dankushellart from her post

Next we have a post entry by @rubesxo. This person has made an exquisite shawl, showing everyone that crochet isn't just for the grannies but can also be modernised. I agree 100% :D

Photo by @rubesxo from her post

For this round, we have gotten only 3 entries. So we have decided to have 1 winner win 1 SBD and split half of the post's payout between the other 2.

Without further ado, I bring to you the winner!

photo by @rubesxo.

Well done! Beautiful work you have done here _. Congratulations @rubesxo. We are looking forward to seeing more great work from you.

And as @anjkara and I had suggested in our previous post, the winner gets to decide the theme for the next round. You have till tuesday morning to chose, keeping in mind that we are giving 2 weeks time for people to make some wonderful creations.

So everyone that I have mentioned here, please check your wallets.

Keep your eyes open, for tuesday we will be announcing another Ultimate Crochet Contest _

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