Hidden Gems no. 1


I have been inspired by @sneak to begin a mission along my Steemit journey: to explore strange new blogs, to seek out new posts and new minnows, to boldly go where no Steemian has gone before! yes, I'm a geek...

The Mission, should I choose to accept it

I will begin trawling through this very platform hunting out those hidden gems, the undiscovered countries of newly arrived promising authors. Freshly spawned minnows if you like. I wish to put a spotlight on those I think are deserving of a much wider audience and this mission starts NOW.


My first pick is @bisade - he is very new here, just 5 days into his Steemit adventure. As such he only has two posts (a third is promised for tonight) but I urge you to go and have a read. They are both well written and thought provoking. @bisade deserves a much greater following and I hope it will spur him on to keep providing such quality writing.




My second pick is @perceptualflaws. Although he has been here a little longer I feel his writing has come on in leaps and bounds of late. I was particularly struck by his second part of a philosophical walk along the Southwest coastal path.


Interspersed with beautiful photography that he took along the way, he paints a relaxing journey through some of England's most stunning countryside. I almost felt as though we shared the same path.

My third and final pick for the first in this series is for @isaria


17 days along her adventure here, I was struck by Isaria's musical talents. Here you can see and hear her play a hauntingly beautiful track by Phillip Glass.
Not only does she play a mean piano/keyboard but also has the voice of an angel. Here is a video of Isaria performing under the name Ruins of Isa.

Please check out their blogs and, if you agree with me, give them a follow. I am sure they will appreciate it and your feed will be filled with more great work in the future.

Do you know of any undiscovered gems worthy of sharing? An artist, writer, blogger or singer who could benefit from appearing in these regular posts? Drop me a message in Steemit chat with a link to their work and I will consider them for future inclusion.

Picture Source - edited

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