The unemployment problem and the need for renewable energy.

2017 has started and 20 million people are unemployed in Europe. It is about the same in US and much worst in Africa.

Can you think about all the work which could be done by 20 millions people : this is enough for new teachers, health practitioners, and to produce all the energy we need.

Let's take the exemple of energy :
Yingli, the fifth company of the world for solar modules can produce 3 GW of solar panels per year with 14,000 employees.
3 GW of modules at the 45 ° latitude, the latitude of France, produce 3 Twh of electricity per year.

« In 2012, world primary energy supply amounted to 155,505 terawatt-hour (TWh) or 13,371 Mtoe, while the world final energy consumption was 104,426 TWh or about 32% less than the total supply. » source wikipedia

To produce 35 % of our energy with the sun, we need to install 2.7 TW of solar each year for twenty year. About ten times the production of Yingli. The work of only 140 000 people.

Total Surface Area Required to Fuel the World With Solar

source : landart generator
Then you have to install all these modules :
Solar city have installed 300,000 solar roofs in the United Sates the last 5 years, with 13,000 employees. Again, you can compute that only a small percent of the unemployed people could install all the solar modules we need.

The perfect mix for 100 % renewable energy is 45 % wind, 35 % solar, this why I am using 35 % for solar.

The big step is to convince people that wind and solar are the solution. You have to do a lot of education and a lot of marketing to sell the solution.

Steemit is an excellent tool to communicate, to educate people and set up common goals.

Amory Lovins, in a 40-year plan for energy is showing that powering the world with 100 % renewable would make tremendous savings.

We can start immediatly !
If you know unemployed people who want to start their business in the domain of the renewables, please transmit this link to them.
2017 - Start a profitable and sustainable business with 200 € -

The next topics I will talk about will concern loan and the investment in the local economy versus importing oil. Follow me if you are interested by these subjects.

Happy New Year !

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