The Old Dog Advises: If You’re Looking For a Job Don’t do This! Do This Instead!

  I run a small business and as the economy worsens I get more and more job inquiries by phone or through the mail. It’s noon right now and I’ve had one of each so far today. There is a problem with most of these inquiries and it’s time to “vent” some advice!  

  Here is What Not to Do!  

First of all have a look a the cover letter (shown below) for this C.V. that arrived a few hours ago. Excuse me Mr. Job Applicant but it couldn't be much worse! You're not applying as a "rocket scientist" but neat and clean would be nice! After all I have a Facility Services (cleaning) company. HELLO!

This is His Cover Letter! Can You Say: "What Garbage"?

Now Let's Check Out His C.V. 

Is there any wonder that this guy has a problem finding and keeping a job? He was born in 1968 and his job experience has more holes in it than a giant slab of Swiss cheese!  

Yes these two pieces of paper above just arrived in the mail today! I'm on my way now to donate them to the pet store to use as a bird cage lining! The sad thing is that the majority of the applications that I get are similar! 

Now Let Me Tell You About The Job Inquiry Phone Call That I Received!

Please beware because it doesn't get any better!

Dring Dring

Him: " Um er... Hello is this a company? Um er... I need a job. I live far away but I want a job where you are and um er....  do you got one for me?"

Me: "Well we're not hiring right now but.." CLANG! The guy hung up on me! Can you believe it? I may have given him some advice or let him send me an e mail with his C.V. etc... But no! Unbelievable!

For Those Who Are Looking For a Job do This!

1.) When Applying in Writing:

At least write a proper cover letter and Résumé! I'm not going to explain how to do that here as there are plenty of references for that info. They should at least be neat, clean, precise, and NOT with STUFF written in by hand!

2.) When Calling on The Phone or in Person:

Anticipate questions and be ready with the answers. Do a practice session if necessary!

Here is a list of questions that may come up:

  • Why have you applied here?
  • What are your strongest points? 
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • Why have you been unemployed for this long?
  • What do you know about the job/company/industry?
  •  Have you already done this type of work?
  • What experience have you had in this field?
  • What skills can you offer?
  • Describe yourself.
  • How do you perform under pressure?
  • What happened at your last job?
  • What would your last employer say about you?
  • How many days did you miss at your last job?
  • What plans do you have for the future?
  • When can you start?

Questions For Discussion

  • Do you think that I'm over reacting to the C.V. that I received?
  • Have you ever seen one that bad?
  • Do you think that he was just fulfilling his obligation to "look for work" while on unemployment benefits?
  • What is the work situation like in your area?

I hope that you enjoyed my rant about what to do and not do when looking for a job.

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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