The Real Unemployment Rate

The Real Unemployment Rate in America is more than likely so appalling that no official representative would dare speak about it in terms of accuracy or truth. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports as of March 2015:

In March, the unemployment rate held at 5.5 percent, and the number of unemployed persons was little changed at 8.6 million. Over the year, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed Persons were down by 1.1 percentage points and 1.8 million, respectively.

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (5.1 percent), adult women (4.9 percent), teenagers (17.5 percent), whites (4.7 percent), blacks (10.1 percent), Asians (3.2 percent) and Hispanics (6.8 percent) showed little or no change in March.

These numbers don’t look so bad on paper and to continue the hyperbole with statistics charts and fabricated data, does nothing to resolve the present situation. You see, those people whose jobs depend on these numbers will do anything to keep their jobs; but the Real Situation is much worse than they can stomach. When considering that most people that have been seeking employment over the last five years (yes, that long) have either stopped looking for work or have been eliminated from the actual data set; these numbers will change drastically.

The Working Poor
The working poor are people who spend 27 weeks or more in a year “in the labor force” either working or looking for work but whose incomes fall below the poverty level.

The Working Poor in this country are some of the primary beneficiaries of supplemental income and receive a large portion of the ‘Welfare Benefits’ that many believe are going to those that are habitually unemployed. Even though it may be nice to play the “Blame Game” on issues that are outside our current scope or perspective; it does nothing to address the all-to-real situation concerning our recovery. Conservatives and Liberals alike have contributed to the ongoing situation by refusing to reconcile petty differences and collaborate on prospective ideas.

A new CBPP analysis of budget and Census data, however, shows that more than 90 percent of the benefit dollars that entitlement and other mandatory programs spend go to assist people who are elderly, seriously disabled, or members of working households -- not to able-bodied, working-age Americans who choose not to work. This figure has changed little in the past few years. Arloc Sherman, Robert Greenstein, and Kathy Ruffing –

In 2008 when America faced a Financial Crisis that we are still trying to rebound from today, it set the precedent for that which would follow. The following was:
The establishment of new ideologies that promote selfish consumption at any cost. Blame whoever you want when something goes wrong; just don’t point your finger at me! The Income Gulf separating the Rich from the Poor has grown astronomically. Corporations in America control their own Regulatory System through Lobbyists that buy Officialdom. The Middle Class is struggling to avoid the calling of the Working Poor.

What this all seems to represent is that in our very near future we will experience a greater catastrophe than in 2008, because collectively we have done nothing to remedy the conditions; nor accept the reasonable explanations provided by those who had absolutely nothing to gain. The prevalent notion that pervades our thinking, is that we ARE an Entitlement Society and believe at a very subconscious level that divine providence will somehow alleviate the conditions we have created for ourselves! This simple truth must be understood by the collective first; then it may have a reasonable chance of actually being heard by our officials.

There has been so much Tax Dollars poured into bailing out the corrupt banking system, (over 2 Trillion Dollars) that today the very criminals which were never brought to account; bought luxury yachts, private jets, mansions and fabulous cars with the "Bonuses" they received after nearly toppling the country through their greed! Yet, we cry about how much money is being distributed to families that are unfortunate enough to actually "NEED" the money from our welfare system. This is the type of Hypocrisy and Deviltry that has pervaded the mind-set of the Collective; this is how low America has sunk into her own festering abyss of lies, treachery and betrayal!

The Propagandists (Elite Devils) that control the trends of society at large stole over Two Trillion Dollars! Then blamed the entire fiasco on "Sub-Prime Mortgages and non-Bank Underwriters." If you were to stack One Hundred Dollar Bills into pallets of One Hundred Million Dollars each, it would cover almost SIX Football Fields!

This is what A Trillion Dollars actually looks like.

This is why it is imperative that we learn to decipher the double-talk and examine carefully what is being broadcast to us by mainstream entities. The Unemployed are the Victims of this atrocity and are being stereotyped as the perpetrators of economic instability. If the same money utilized for Bank Bailouts (over Two Trillion Dollars) was distributed to the "WHOLE of America's citizenry" every American, all 400 Million of us would have received $5000 a piece. If just 'Working Class' citizens were included, 100 Million people would have received $20,000 a piece. What would this have done for the Economic Recovery? Small business, which is the cornerstone of America would have been the primary focus of many working adults; consumer spending would enhance the new business' created and by this time, our recovery would have been the Talk of the Century!

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