Confronting authority peacefully takes a lot of courage and faith

Most of us should be familiar with the courage it took for the student to stand in front of the tanks during the Tienanmen Square protests that resulted in the brutal massacre in 1989.  News reports are coming out that over 10,000 were slaughtered that day.  

Associated Press

To stand up against authority is one of the most courageous and important acts we can do in this life time.  I've been distracted over the past week as I am witnessing and supporting a mother bear who is standing up to protect her cub against CPS.  As I watch her struggle with the stress and anxiety, I was moved to write a post yesterday about Authority Traumatic Stress Disorder.  I know full well what she is feeling as I've experienced the same feelings during my stand against authority.  

I cannot share her name as I don't have her consent to do so.  However, she is doing well and so far CPS has been held back.  I cannot express enough how much courage, strength and determination it takes to do what she is doing right now.  She is taking her pen and shoving it right into the barrel of their gun!  I don't know what is going to transpire with her situation.  I pray that she starts to blog about it so that we can all share in the experience.  

But her strength and determination is astounding.  She has empowered her daughter to stand up and speak her own truth in this matter, which I think will make all the difference.  Our off spring have a voice and they need to be heard.  It is a great gift we can give a spiritual being who is early in their journey in this physical realm.  

I share this because I've been very distracted over the last few weeks as a result of the help I've been providing people.  I've been writing about posts that people don't want to read, and I get it.  I've noticed a sharp decrease in traffic to my blog as a result of the subject matter.  What I'm sharing is not easy to hear, confronts people on their participation with the state and seems too heavy to process.  

But if we want to confront ourselves on the reality of our relationships, this is the shit that we need to deal with.  People are being sacrificed, stolen, sold and even enslaved.  This mother bear drew a line in the sand and said no more!  It required some coaching and guidance, but so far she is doing great.  We need more mother bears to stand up to the violence!  As we confront people, all the hidden pain and suffering will come spewing out.

This is the apocalypse where the real revelation and disclosure comes forth.  As we open up the vault of our hidden secrets, pain and suffering, it will seem like hell on Earth.  But I ask for a leap of faith as it may feel like hell, but we can work through it all to find peace on the other side.  How do I know that?  Because that is exactly what I did in 2001!  

The disclosure is not only limited to the secrets that our public officials keep or their secret societies.  The biggest secrets are kept within our own hearts that have such painful and violent impacts on our relationships.  It is time to open up the vault and take a look inside.  That requires the greatest courage ever.  A very close second is to stand up to others when they do wrong, no matter if it was done with authority or not.  To confront others takes courage too and I applaud this mother bear for taking a stand!  

Please forgive me as I continue to write about topics that are present in my life as I work through these issues.  I know this is not as fun as talking about gardens, greenhouses and earthships.  But this is important too and is a part of the journey we call life on Mother Earth!

This Mother Bear is a hero, no matter the outcome.  Just like that student during the Tienanmen Square protests.

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