Confronting the Canadian Military for their violent incursion

In November 17, 2016 a Canadian military helicopter approached our land, stopped right out side our gate, lowered to within approximately 20 feet of the ground and hovered for several minutes.  It gave me enough time to run to the end of the lane and take a couple pictures.  

I immediately wrote a letter to the Governor General of Canada, Prime Minister of Canada and the Minister of National Defense.  Here is some of the things that were in my letter.  I'm not sharing the whole letter so that I can maintain our own privacy.  But the bulk of it is here:

 At 2:48pm today I witnessed what appeared to be a CH-146 Griffon helicopter approaching our domain from the south east just above the tree tops.  It then stopped a mere 150 feet from our gate and lowered its altitude to what appeared to be about 20 feet off the ground.  It's side door was open, pointing directly towards our yard site and it hovered there for a minute or so.  When I started taking pictures, it then regained altitude, closed its door and headed south.    

This helicopter appeared to be painted with the colors of the Canadian Military and I saw something in the door before it was closed.  I was not sure if it was guns, cameras or some other type of equipment, but I did feel threatened and very concerned about my safety, privacy and well being as a result of this violation.  The helicopter was so close to our animals and so loud, that our animals were greatly distressed by the incursion and violation of our solitude and peaceful way of life.  We depend on our animals for our very survival and this event jeopardized the health of our animals.    

To be clear, I declared peace in April 2008 and you blatantly defied that peace.  As Minister of Defense, along with your boss, Prime Minister of Canada and his boss, Governor General of Canada, all three of you are responsible for the actions of your employees, agents, crew, officers, citizens, subjects and all other personnel.    

You claim to be peaceful and claim to want peace, but what you want is irrelevant.  What you have chosen is at hand.  You have chosen to declare war against peace and the land upon which we all depend.  I cannot stand here and tolerate such repugnant, abusive and violent behaviours.

I stand as a witness to testify to the stress, anxiety, intimidation and fear that you and your team have attempted to apply to me, my family and our animals upon which we work hard to peacefully steward as Creator intended and commanded.  Whether your actions were intentional or not is irrelevant.  We work hard to live a peaceful way of life and you violated that peace today and I rebuke you for doing it.  What is most disturbing is that this is not an isolated incident and that the Government's actions over the past 500 years have not reflected peace, respect or prosperity at all.  Treaty 6 has been violated violently and I cannot and will not stand for such abusive behaviours from you or anybody else.


I forgive you and those who were in that helicopter, but I will not forget, condone or tolerate your violent behaviour.  If you are indeed serious about peace, then leave us alone and maintain the peace. But if you continue to use violence, coercion, intimidation or other evil tactics, I will have no choice but to continue sharing my testimony to your crimes.  I will stand before Creator and my brothers and sisters to testify what I have witnessed!

To be clear, I am not a citizen or subject of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II or any other sovereign, person or individual on this planet.  My sovereign is the Lord our God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the great I AM that I AM.  I AM a spiritual being here to stand as a witness and to testify against evil acts as well as to replenish the earth as a steward.  Your actions must be rebuked because they violate the very premise of why we are all here.  I respectfully ask that you honour me with a response, apology and assurances that the peace will be restored and maintained. I assure you that I will maintain the peace and teach others to do the same.    

In peace and love

I AM that I AM
My spirit name is White Walking Feather
My physical vessel's name is rob in the pagé family   

To be honest, I never expected a response.  I've been writing letters to the federal government for over 13 years and I never get responses back.  My letters go all the way up to the Governor General, Queen, Pope and the UN too.  Never a peep.  However, that all changed on December 20, 2016.  When I received the e-mail I cried.  I was overwhelmed with emotion as I've been working so long and hard to set boundaries with the state.  I will share the response I got and then share with you why it is so significant! 

From:< <>
Date: Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 12:03 PM
Subject: FW: Military helicopter violation

Dear White Walking Feather:

In response to your correspondence addressed to the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, I am writing about the presence of a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) aircraft in the vicinity of your property. The Minister has asked the Department to respond on his behalf, and I regret the delay.

Let me first say that I am truly sorry to learn about your experiences and wish to apologize for any undue fear, distress, or anxiety.

I am advised that a helicopter from 1 Wing Kingston, 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, was operating in the vicinity to which you refer. The crew was conducting a navigational training flight and was preparing for their next leg at the time of your sighting. While the helicopter was hovering, the flight engineer opened the cargo door to ensure that the aircraft was clear of any obstacles. I understand that at no time was anything pointed in your direction, nor was the aircraft equipped with weapons, cameras, or sensors.

1 Wing takes your complaints very seriously and is committed to maintaining a good relationship with you and everyone in the vicinity. I am informed that 1 Wing aircraft will now avoid the area by a minimum of 5 nautical miles or 1,000 feet above ground.

Please accept my apologies for any disruption or discomfort.

Yours sincerely,

C. R. King
Defence Corporate Secretary

Significant Observation #1 - letter is addressed using my spirit name

Never in my entire life have I ever seen a letter addressed to a spirit name.  To my knowledge, the government always addresses letters using the name of the person (read my book Chapter two to comprehend what a person is).  They may even use normal case and a 'Mr.' salutation, but never a spirit name.  To me this is significant and precedent setting as Spirit is a higher authority and power than fictional constructs.  I will never forget how much they honoured me with those first four words of their letter.  

Significant Observation #2 - they apologized twice

I have never had the federal government apologize to me before.  I've seen the government apologize, but usually through a speech in parliament to an identifiable group.  To receive an apology shows that my rebuke hit a nerve in Ottawa and they were quick to remedy the problem.  

Significant Observation #3 - they withdrew and then set boundaries

Establishing a 5 nautical mile, 1000 foot no-fly-zone around the land that we steward is profound and significant.  I have never heard of it before.  I have good friends who are in the military and I shared the story to them and their eyes opened wide.  They shared with me that they are not supposed to do stuff like that and supported my rebuke of the military.  While I don't buy the reason why they were their, I do feel that what they did was wrong and I called them on it.  I see the no-fly-zone as a military withdraw from an area that is being governed in peace and with peaceful intentions.  There is no need for the military to be here and the withdraw shows that!  

We ALL need to find the courage to hold these people accountable for their actions.  I've been doing this for years and I am just finding out now just how powerful a Spiritual being really is!  

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