Dear Avia:

I just received your letter which you sent me about 10 days ago.  Inside I was amazed and deeply moved with what I found;  elastic necklace, beautiful feathers and a work of art!

The necklace was made with a whole bunch of elastic bands, looped together.  For me that symbolizes the strong knit community that is required as we all "band" together to confront bullies or any others who choose violence instead of peace, prosperity and cooperation.  

The feathers symbolizes spiritual evolution while we are here on this physical plain.  Your mom told me that your spirit name is 'Bringer of Change' and I think that is a beautiful name which speaks a lot to what you are here to do.  My spirit name is White Walking Feather which brings even more meaning to your gift of feathers.  Thank you for honouring me through this spiritual gesture of gratitude.  

The painting that you did is amazing and beautiful.  Mother Earth is indeed beautiful and you honour her by painting the gifts and beauty that she provides.  For the Chinese, the rainbow is a symbol of yin and yang, the five colors represent perfect balance and harmony.  It is also a symbol of Creator's love for us and a symbol of hope.  

The sun represents life and abundance as we embrace the gifts that were given to us by Creator so that we can learn how to live in harmony and peace on Mother Earth.

These images are important to recognize Avia and I thank you for reminding me through your art work and generosity.  I know why you sent it all to me.  I am grateful that the help I provided to you and your mom has helped protect you from people who are cowards and would rather resort to violence, coercion and threats rather than honourably helping people.  

Please forgive those bullies and know that it was nothing that you or your mom did that was 'wrong'.  The wrong was their violence and ignorance of spiritual law, which you hold firm within your own heart at such a young age (8).  I am sorry that you are inheriting a world that is in such a mess.  Us adults have been asleep for far too long and we are realizing now how we have allowed the bullies to get away with far too much violence, genocide and theft.

Please know that there are people working hard to protect you and others like you from the bullies.  The bullies don't like us very much, but I am willing to do everything I can to ensure that they don't bother people again.  It is going to be a lot of hard work and it will take time.  You are a powerful voice in these efforts. I believe your letter that you wrote made all the difference.  Don't let anyone ever try to take away your voice.  

You and others like you are our teachers.  We have a lot to learn from you as we work hard to protect you from those who want to do harm because they are so sick.  They are stuck and consumed by the physical while their spirit screams out at them.  One day they will start to hear and see.  Until then, I will do what I can to help people learn how to have healthy relationships so that you don't have to worry about somebody taking you away from your family.

You did the right thing and I pray that your healing is going well.  Please give your mom a hug for me and know that there are people out there in this world working hard to make it a better place to live.  We work hard to allow spirit to guide and govern our lives rather than succumbing to the failings of our physical vessels.  We work hard to teach what boundaries are all about and that the bullies are not allowed to cross those lines.  Your spiritual guidance will be an important contribution to that process.  

I thank you for the wonderful gifts and for acknowledging with gratitude the work I did to be in service to you and your mom.  Please know it was my honour and duty to help.  I pray that Creator blesses you with freedom, peace, prosperity, joy, love and a beautiful experience while you are here on Mother Earth.  I look forward to witnessing your life and I will stand and testify to your spiritual bravery, wisdom and guidance.  

Your spiritual brother;

White Walking Feather


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