Don't Talk to the Police - Part Two

Seven days ago I posted a blog entry entitled "Don't talk to the police".  However, it is critical and important that we comprehend what 'police' are.  So I dug into my trusty 'little' Oxford 1958 Unabridged English Dictionary and pulled up the word.  

Police = Policy
2.  The regulation, discipline, and control of a community; civil administration; enforcement of law
3.  The department of government which is concerned with the maintenance of public order and safety and the enforcement of law.
4.  The civil force to which is entrusted the duty of maintaining public order, enforcing regulations for the prevention and punishment of breeches of the law, and detecting crimes.
    b. Any body of men, officially employed to keep order, enforce regulations, or maintain a political ... system.

Most people assume the word means a Police Officer who wears a uniform who is governed by the Police Act.  You know who I'm talking about, the ones that drive around in police cars with guns, tasers, hand cuffs and all sorts of tools of violence.  The very ones that we were told when we were kids that they are our friends, especially if you grew up watching Sesame Street.  

The uniformed and ARMED police officer is a para-military force

They do in fact enforce statutes and regulations but they are also a standing army, a para-military force, authorized by their feudal lord to engage in deadly force and to occupy the territory that the Queen has conquered.  They are solders and that fact is becoming more apparent as the militarization of the police unfolds before our eyes.  However, we would not be surprised if we looked up the word 'Policeman'.

1.  A member of the police force.
b.  A soldier

However, police means much more than the para-military force

If we examine the definition in detail, especially 4b, we find that police are any body of men (women) officially employed to keep order, enforce regulations, or maintain a political system.  We have not been taught this, but that means any body who works for the government or authorized by the government to enforce regulations, statutes, etc.  

If a specific piece of legislation or regulations grants an authority to an individual or individuals with the power of enforcement, they are by definition police!

The implications are significant

That means, Child Protective Services is a police force.  So too is the Workers Compensation Board, Canada Revenue Agency, Internal Revenue Service or ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR PRIVATE CORPORATION GRANTED THE AUTHORITY TO INVESTIGATE AND CHARGE PEOPLE.

Anybody who has the authority to enforce the governments policy is a police officer.  Policy enforcement = Police enforcement.

I am now going to invite people to re-visit the three videos that I introduced in my last post.  Except this time, replace the word police with policy and expand the scope to also include all the other policy enforcement officers and then re-watch these three videos from start to finish.  That should give you a more sobering idea on the scope and implications of what the government is doing.  


These people are not your friends.  They are there to investigate and charge people.  They are not here to help, despite what they say.  They are allowed to lie and hoodwink people in order to get confessions and get us to testify against ourselves.  It is unconscionable and repugnant what is happening and we allow it because of our own ignorance.

So whether you are still in the system as a citizen or you are out, the implications of this is profound and we need to come to terms with who has police powers in our lives.  It is WAY MORE than we were taught when we were growing up and I would not follow the advice of Sesame Street.  Their propaganda is very misleading and dangerous!

Don't talk to any of them.  Don't let them into your homes.  Protect yourself!  Make them get their warrants and explain their actions to a judge or justice of the peace.  Don't take my word for all of this.  Go talk to a lawyer and get legal advice if you must.  I am not a lawyer and only provide this information for educational purposes only.  It is your responsibility to educate yourself and get the appropriate advice, especially if you are still in the system.

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