English - the language of the modern slave

Through my years of research into freedom, I have purchased and read many books.  I am a prolific reader.  I can read a book in a day or two and comprehend the message within its pages.  I spend hours on my computer reading content on line too, absorbing information like a fish.  I feel that my greatest talent is to then digest that information and present it in ways that others can comprehend.  

Through the years, my most favorite book is not the bible, blacks law dictionary, Blackstone Commentary on the Laws of England or anything like that.  The book that I use almost every day and is my most treasured possession is my 1958 Oxford Unabridged Dictionary!  

It is this book that has freed me the most!  I love this book because it old (1958) which means that the words have not been bastardized like they have been in modern, online dictionaries.  This is especially useful when deconstructing old texts, manuscripts and other correspondence from the feudal lords.  

The problem with the English language is that it is the most complex, convoluted language in the world.  I believe it manifested that way in an attempt to confuse and bewitch people with a language that can be used to enslave people.  There is no way that I can go through every word, but I want to demonstrate this process.  It is my hope that people will pick up a dictionary and start learning the language so that the forked tongued devils can no longer manipulate the language for their own benefit.

Treat 6 was signed in 1876 with a group of people who did not know English.  If they did know it, they were not proficient at it.  So when the negotiators on both sides tried to translate what was being said, manipulations took place.  When the Crown talked about the 'Indians' ceding the land, the word 'cede' could not be translated into Cree.  The Cree language did not even have words to describe ownership of land.  So what word comes close?


In my view, it is morally, ethically and even legally fraudulent to get the words 'cede' and 'seed' mixed up in negotiations like this.  Here is another example that was shared with me by a friend.  

A lady went to court and testified that she suffered at the hands of her abuser.  The abuser got off.  Why?  Because suffer is defined as "To have (something painful, distressing, or injurious) inflicted or imposed upon one"  but it is also defined as "To tolerate, allow."

Would you believe that the abuser got off because the lady testified that she tolerated and allowed the abuse?  Now if this does not piss people off I don't know what will.  For me, intent, context and spirit of the language is of the utmost importance.  Do you think that the average individual would interpret her testimony as the first or second definition?  Most of us would use the first, but the court used the second.  How ethical and moral is that?  

Perhaps the word suffer is a poor choice and that is where the problem lays.  Words are nothing more than symbols.  

"What is important is the connection that the word implies" - Matrix Revolutions

If we want to be free then we really need to ensure that we properly communicate our intentions.  If we do not have a solid foundation on the language that we use, then communication issues will manifest.  Freedom for me ends up being a life long study of the very language that I use so that I can properly communicate my intent and express my spirit in a clear and concise way.  The forked tongue devils will do everything they can to twist our words and mess it all up.  

As people go through my posts and especially my book, I pray that this point is made clear.  I explore words in great detail with the intent and spirit of freedom.  

 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge - Hosea 4:6

If you really are interested in freedom, then it is time to hit the books.  Don't trust what other people say, even myself.  I don't want people parroting my words or work.  I want people to do their own work, find their own truth and study hard so that the knowledge is a part of their very soul.  I cannot save people and I'm not going to rescue people either.  Freedom is about being self sufficient, so study hard.  I've spend thousands upon thousands of hours studying words, reading and writing.  If you want freedom, it is the equivalent of obtaining a University Doctorate.  

But then it also demands that we not use our knowledge to manipulate and control other people.  That is what most people within the state currently do and it is appalling.  Don't believe me?  Here is another word:  Service.  We are familiar with that word, especially since most government have changed their HR departments.  They are now called 'Service Canada' or 'Service Alberta'.  

Most people interpret 'service' as being the government providing services to the people as a servant.  However, that is not what 'service' is.

The condition, status, or occupation of a servant.  The condition of being a servant of a particular master.  - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary (1958)

Because people vote and sign their signatures, THEY  are the feudal servants, not the state.  The state is the master and as such, they setup a department to help manage all the services that their servants are providing.  Don't believe you made a feudal oath of fealty?  Do you know that the word 'attestation' means?

Formal confirmation by signature, oath, etc. - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary (1958)

Your signature is an oath, a formal confirmation.  When you sign documents to 'apply' for or 'register', you are now in contact (apply, aka contract) with your feudal lord.  The REGISter (Kings scroll) is a tool to hold legal titles (records).  So when you register your house, car, babies, etc, you turn over title to the king.  

How crazy is this?  Yet we use these words all day long without really thinking about what they really mean?  Break open the dictionary and look at the etymology of the words.  Our words are being used against us because of our own ignorance.  Only those with the proper spiritual intent will confirm with us what we meant if there is a confusion.  The police, courts, judges, politicians, business men, etc are not interested in that.  Their interests LIE (lay) somewhere else, mainly in control and to protect their feudal lords.  

Now that you know what serve means, do you think that the police are there to 'serve and protect' you or are they there to serve and protect their feudal lord and master instead?  Protect from who?  YOU!  You are the enemy of the state and the police are there to protect the state from you.  A topic for another post.

The truth is hidden in plain sight.  They are treating us like slaves and we don't even realize it!  Who's fault is that?  Ours!

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