How to Write Comments In a Way That Win Hearts and Build your Blog

There are a lot of things you can do to grow your blog here on Steemit, but i assure you that none is as effective as great commenting, you might ask what about writing stellar content?

But i tell you, reading other people's post and leaving insightful comments would get you noticed faster than writing great content.Trust me.

As you all know that the number of accounts on steemit is over 150,000 and we are still in the beginning of the second year of Steemit existence, more and more accounts are being created daily and the battle for space on the 'new' Page is getting more intense every second.

Writing great comment has it's perks, it can land you on the sights of a whale who will recognises you as someone who can shed more light on a particular issue.

Before we go further, let me clear this up, never comment on a post you do not understand, you might feel that it makes you look smart but in the end you know that you were just blabbing.

As a rule i don't comment on post i don't understand, instead i will give it an upvote or resteem it if i know any of my followers who might be interested in it.

If you get commenting right it can accelerate the growth of your blog and bring you amazing returns.

The only problem?

You are not really sure what a great comment looks like.

Is it one that shovels loads of praise onto the author? Or is it one that argues a persuasive alternative view? Or one that simply thanks the blogger for sharing their insights?

Because while many people know that commenting is vital, they don't really know how to do it.
experts preach the virtues of strategic commenting, almost nobody tells you how to do it.

Now with blog commenting, you might be trying to woo the owner of a blog.
You may want them to notice you. You definately want them to reply to your comment.

Secretly, you want them to visit your blog, follow you on social media, and ultimately become your best friend forever.

But all this will not be possible if your comments are shallow.

That is why you need to improve your commenting game.

I see people who go about dumping links in their comments, some did not even read the post to know what it is all about.

Some just repeat what the post have just said without adding any insight of their own.

So what does a great look like?

A great comment should contain some or all of this elements:

  1. A friendly greeting, if you are trying to have a talk with someone then you should at least observe some form of etiquette, even if you don't know the Authors name, scroll to where the Author's name is and copy it (we should be glad that @ned and @dan made use of usernames instead of adresses like other crypto's or you would be forced to type " Hello "12znfheurnfnuy")

A simple greeting would set your comment in the right direction.

  1. A sincere Comment is also important Remember, you’ve chosen to be on this person’s blog, not someone else’s. You’ve chosen to read their post instead of another steemian's.

You must have a reason to want to read their post over any of the other thousand steemians you could be trying to connect with at that moment.

So pay them a nice compliment, tell them how much you enjoyed their post, infact make their day. Now when doing this be sincere, it is not about heaping huge praises on the Author.No, your major focus should be on the post and how it has helped you.

  1. The bringing of added value is prime for great commenting , now this is where understanding the post is vital because you cannot give what you don't have.

A good example is this comment by @nigelmarkdias on @dragosroua post about Steemit toppling Adsense


So how do you add value with your comments

  • By sharing a similar insight or telling a related story so that the author and other readers can get another experience

  • By asking thoughtful questions so the Author can explain areas which are vauge for every reader

  • By contributing to the discussion Whenever you write a great comment that adds to the discussion, it often has a domino effect. Others will respond to your comment, which will fuel even more comments.

The result is more people reading and discussing the blogger’s work, which means a higher comment count.I have seen posts that made $500+ but does'nt have up to ten comments.

Everyone wants that and on steemit commenting is a win-win.

4 Broadcast! Broadcast!! Broadcast: since signing up for steemit some people have never used the resteem button, but it was added to the interface, resteeming means seeing a post and saying " I can't consume this alone, my followers need to see this".

Also don't forget to let the Author know that you would help broadcast the post as this would encourage them to write more valuable content.

You should also not stop there, you can share the post on other social media platform like Twitter and Facebook as this will also help create awareness for Steemit to the outside world. @stephenkendal is a prime example of someone who regulary shares posts on Twitter.

@andrarchy also helped promote The Inkpot interview on @literature-trail with @dreemit.

So with all this point, i hope you start writing comments that are inspiring, comments that cause other steemians to stare into their computers and ask, who is that person, comments that would catapult your blog to greater heights.

Because writing lame comments on Steemit, is like swimming in a sea of black and white wearing a tux.

@papa-pepper in this post also explained the importance of great commenting and how it helped @sandstorm get 100+ followers with just four posts on his blog.

So with that enter into an era of great commenting and see where it takes you.

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