Here are 10 unMEAN sTWEETs on the issue: Is It Still Possible To Wake Up With Bad Mood, With Steem At $1000?

Yes, even though steem price becomes 1,000 $, it is still possible to awaken in the morning with an instantaneous bad mood and even depression! Many tend to hastily tie depression to a state of sadness but the reality is depression can be way intenser than sadness!

I have experienced it many times and even when the period leading up to sleep the prior night was one of joy, peace and calm; i have woken up to sheer sadness and sometimes, eyes welled up with uncontrollable tears! According to me, these are just feelings and we are more than our feelings but it is definitely pleasing to wake up in the morning, refreshed and a invigorated for the day ahead. Thus, what remedies are there to restore our mood to normality any time we are up in the morning to some instantaneous feelings of unexplainable sadness? Do we look to pills? Do we read the book of Psalms in the Bible? Do we prime ourselves with some Bob Marley tune? Or do we simply go spend time in the shower, humming or singing songs aloud?

Yes, singing is seen to relieve stress and soothe the mood!

How about exercise, some yoga and meditation? Or do we hurriedly get on @steemit-health to leave a comment on the simplest things we a grateful for?

Speaking of gratitude; "one thing that is a daily miracle is "waking up"! So perhaps "gratitude heals!"

On every issue pertaining to life, steemians always have unMEAN things to say!

Here are 10 unMEAN sTWEETs on the issue: Is It Still Possible To Wake Up With Bad Mood, With Steem At $1000?

1. Is There Any Magic In Cold Showers?

@g-no tells us his shower thoughts:

A cold shower primes the immune system, maybe that's the effect you got?
You should be proud of your mental resilience to find a positive answer to your dilemma, that shows you have 'core strength'. 

2. How Is It To Convert "A Minus" Into "A Plus"? 

@kaiyo spoke about moods using symbols:

All same going from ( + ) to ( - ) and from ( - ) to ( + )
mood is like waves up and down, the key is living in the present moment if its ( - ) its Ok there is something need to be changed to be in ( + )
we have to go from ( - ) to be in the ( + ) mood.

3.  What When The Brain Is Heated UP?

@jlopez knows remedies:

Cold shower refreshes your body and brain which can make you forget you're having a bad day or if not, at least cools down your anger state of mind.

4. How About Exercise And Moods? 

@gigafart speaks exercise:

Hard exercise always works for me! But actually, even light exercise, like a jog or a bike ride, is almost guaranteed to improve my mood.Often, when I'm working out, I'll get a new idea and be flooded with optimism and motivation for hours afterwards.It was during one of these moments that I decided to finally learn about Steemit and stake some $$ in it.

 5. Remember Your Loved Ones

@brianalex relate his own experience:

I remember one time i woke up and was very tired, despite sleeping for over ten hours. I felt numb, utterly broken and asked myself "Why do i have to go through this" and "Why can't it just end?"I was alone at home and it happened. I broke down in tears, i couldn't hold it any longer.
However i felt something warm inside me. In my mind i had this clear image of my dear mother hugging me when i was crying to remove my pain and give me love like no one else can. To this day I am grateful that my dear mother loved me the way she did. And every time i feel like i can't anymore i take some deep breath, visualize my mum hugging me and let all the pain flow down like a river.

6. Music Works?

@clixmoney said this:

The best way it's to listen to good music and go out to breath fresh air :)

7. Allow Yourself To Be Human 

@log1c speaks logic in this comment:

What really works to change it in my opinion is how an individual has conditioned themselves to respond to such situations. If one ruminates over a depressive though their day will continue to be of that nature; however one who accepts occasional low mood as part of the balance of a healthy life and normal function the feeling can be more easily shifted. Therapy works in a similar way. Things like exercise can then be used to augment the process.

8. How About A Steem Dance?

@hw-enthusiast knows this type of dance:

Just do a little dance after leaving the bed or in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I do a daily dance for bitcoin and since a few days for Steem, too.

9. Motion Creates Emotion? 


"Motion creates emotion", that means that if you want to change your state, you need to change your body language, face expression and in few minutes you will be in new state. Gratitude plays huge role in changing state!

10. Does Gratitude Have Anything To Do With Anything? 

@tizswa knows a thing or two about gratitude:

High and low, this is just human, but without this two status, we couldn't feel alive.
An Attitude of Gratitude is what we should never forget. Just five minutes per day, call it meditation, call it relax, but just remember to be grateful for the chance of living your life.

 "Steemit logo: @rubenalexander

  Disclaimer: This post is very resteemable!  

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