Unschooling Blog, Vol. 32: "FORK MAN!"- Making a Short "Horror" Movie and Editing Together Using iMovie


I was upstairs when my wife and son returned home today.

I looked out the window just in time to catch a quick glimpse of my son rounding the corner heading toward the elevator...with a pitchfork in his hand.

I had to laugh, and then I got a little rush of adrenaline, as it really seemed like a little demon was racing up to get me for just a split second in my imagination.

When my son entered the house, he showed me his plastic black and red pitchfork he had bought at the dollar store.

When I was young I used to make movies all the time using my family's hand-held camcorder. Ketchup for fake blood, stop motion gore, etc.

I felt that creative excitement once again and asked my son if he'd like to make a horror movie. He said yes. He said we should call it "Fork Man."

We shot some footage, edited the piece together on iMovie, and even composed our own music in GarageBand. It was fun.

So, without further ado, here is our very short horror flick, "Fork Man"!


(Thanks for stopping by! If you missed the last Unschooling Blog, Vol. 31: "Learning Odds and Evens For Fun! - Creating an Original Mega Man-Themed Board Game," you can find it HERE.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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