Dear Diary: Today I Have Bathed Myself So Easily


I remember during in the past few weeks I am just terrified to even get up to take a bath. I am just forced to move up on my feet because I needed to use the toilet. So if I just don't use the toilet you wouldn't even see me sit on my bed. It is because all the pain on my back and feet are so terrible it basically just disabled me down and scres me, prevented me from moving my body.

But now things are looking good as I had an improvement on my breathing. Maybe a contributing factor was my dialysis yesterday where the machine took some extra water from my body that it shouldn't. It happens, and I had a momentary hypotension which straighten or corrected itself out after sometime.

So the extra water that was taken out from my body probably eased my breathing some more and so I had a good movement today and I did took a bath easily in the process too with not much groan and grunting like before. I am also noticing that I can just nearly close my mouth and I hope that my face would squeeze down soon so that I can eat normally upright again with my family on the table soon.

I guess I have to get on the plan to go to the dentist because I needed a good set of front teeth now and need everyone's support of prayers for that too because it is hard not to do a normal upright eating. Right now I am sticking to lying down on my bed just to be able to eat so as not spill my food whilst eating or it would get messy. That is one of the reasons that wanted to get back my normal mouth structure and a possible dentures soon.

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