Who Am I? My Short Story #Untalented Contest By @surpassinggoogle - Steemit | Entry By Umais1209

Who Am I? My Story #Untalented Contest By @surpassinggoogle - Steemit | Entry By Umais1209

I'm a Future Singer Or Computer Engineer (I think xD). Let me explain

I was born on 5th December 2005. Yes I'm 12. I had passion for singing from the beginning. I was even punished by teacher several times for singing in class. Music was and is my life. I just love the idea behind music and the way it makes your body move and yeah I don't dance now I make bloody moves. Out of all instruments Guitar was my favorite.

I watched Alex Aiono's videos and they inspired me so much. There was a point where I had fight with one of my class fellows who said I can't be singer xD.

At age of 9 I realized, In my community or society NO ONE appreciates singing. Singing is considered to be bad thing. You can't even listen to music in public. If you would everyone will be like WTF Is He Doing? They think this is Disrespectful and I am like what...what? this is bad thing. Oh..OK I'm being disrespectful. Especially If you sing or listen to English Songs people be like That Kid Is Listening To Blah Blah. So The Point Is No One Appreciates Singing In My Country Even If You Have Good Voice. There are also no competitions for singing in school neither in society.

At age of 10 I did several courses of Azure And Office 365 and I was 5th smallest child to do so at that age. Computer is also my thing. In the class I was and still am the fastest typer. I was at good computer but still music was the thing I am truly passionate about. My father is really proud of me for achieving this achievement and want me to become Computer Engineer as my uncle is also computer engineer.

Few months back I started posting Music Videos on YouTube but it didn't went that good, because I didn't had good mic so the audio quality was crap. And because of that I got demotivated and I stopped posting videos. I can't tell my channel name cause I know it would be so embarrassing.

Still I really want to be singer, I Hope And I Will Work Hard To Become Singer.

I had only on pic since all other got deleted.

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