Untalented Artists Contest #2 - Entry No. 1 by sonofsatoshi - Superhero in Town

Untalented Artists Contest #2 - Entry No. 1 by sonofsatoshi - Superhero in Town

This is my entry to @artz's weekly Untalented Artists contests. My inspiration for this art is nothing in particular lol. I enjoyed making clay models and sketching when I was younger. But doing art digitally and Photoshop editing are two of my biggest weaknesses and frustrations, perhaps, when it comes to art. So here is my untalented art which was completed using MS paint and with my own 'skills' which were consistent ever since I was 6 years old.


The original image used was this one.

I hope you liked it. And even if if you don't, I hope this will encourage everyone to fall in love with art even if our talents doesn't fall into the 'mainstream category of artistic skills'. Join @artz's weekly challenge too and let us all have some fun. :)

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