Learning🤓 , Love😍 and Snacks🌮!


Hey, guys. Hey.

So... I've been working on a new format for videos... cause I want to. 😎 And because I'd like to have all possible tools at my disposal. Gotta learn stuff. Just gotta. However, I'm a little stuck in the learning curve again as I'm trying to familiarize myself with ALL aspects of my movie-making software. Today... and yesterday... and the day before 😏 I've been trying to figure out how to make STILL images MOVE. Yes. This doesn't seem complicated. And I've been able to get a little bit of movement, but still am not entirely sure how I did it. 😆 So I try and try again.

I'm not at all worried about accomplishing this goal, I'm just literally having to crawl before I can hurdle.

If you're new to me...

I recently started making videos. I currently have two formats (basically the same) that I'm working with and trying out: Coffee Talk with Carrie and Carrie's Crypto Corner. Both are very similar. Basically, I find cool stuff (about anything OR about cryptos) and read an article/talk about it. I'm pretty hilarious and informative- so everybody wins. 😍 If you've missed some episodes, not to fear! I've linked them down below.

I spend a LOT of time LEARNING...

This is the truth. Most of my wasted time is spent devouring Youtube videos about... well, most everything, including, but not limited to politics, food, ancient Egypt, aliens, conspiracy theories (in general), space, ghosts, etc. Really, I kinda like it all. 😏 A few days ago I found an article with a bunch of random cool stuff and was instantly (overly) interested in one. So much so that I spent HOURS learning more and more about it.

Time Wasted?

Maybe. But then I thought, "Is there a way for this NOT to be time wasted?" I soon realized I could create the videos I so enjoy watching! And my mission began. I took the topic and (hand-wrote) out 5 pages front and back and recorded the audio. It sounds pretty awesome. I'd listen to me. 😎Plus, the story is oh-so-sweet and wonderful. 😍

New Skills

I KNEW that I'd hit some learning curves when attempting to "make my videos like theirs", but I was/am ready for that... until I realized I hadn't posted in a couple of days because of this. Ruh-roh! It's like I disappeared! But I didn't. I'm just working.

Lol! This picture is accurate. 😉

Oh! Oh! Oh!

I almost forgot... I got this idea. I wanna find a buddy in a different country and exchange SNACKS! I think I would like to call it Steemit Snack Exchange. I have this thought that I could do the first one and then help facilitate others matching up and participating as well.

The basic idea (Steemit Snack Exchange)

  • Find a buddy in another country.
  • Each buddy purchases a specific ($$) amount of snacks from their country and ships them to the other person.
  • When received they each do an unboxing and TASTING video trying all the snacks from a new place.

That's it. Not terribly complicated and mostly stems from my desire to try new things. Whatdya think? Interested? Shout it from the rooftops! Er... maybe you should just type in the comments below.😏

One Last thing...

The topic of my video (I'm learning all the cool stuff on) is Egyptian Priestess Reincarnates as a British Woman. It's so cool. You won't wanna miss it.

Latest Episodes

New here? Wanna know a Steemit Secret? Check out The Secret to Earning Followers by @chrisroberts. He just may be on to something... 😎

Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great (if I do say so myself) tutorial:

Are you stealing Google images?! Learn how to do it LEGALLY:

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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