The US Travel Ban…An Outsider’s Opinion Piece.

Indonesia, funny place to start but it is the WORLD’S LARGEST majority muslim population, with more than 200 million Islam following Muslims…but it is NOT on the Trump banned US Border Entry list.
Why not, Why is Indonesia NOT on The List?

Is it because one of the Trump Organization businesses (that indirectly) benefit Donald Trump’s commercial interests there?

That’s a whole lot of Muslims, and in the radical islam profile Trump has imagined, surely a huge possibility and potential danger to US security…

Let’s assume that every one of those Muslims were to apply for a US visa, many would be allowed entry leading to a potential security threat…right?

Sure the numbers indicate that is a possibility, but just as it may be sunny tomorrow, there’s a possibility it could rain, but there’s also a possibility of snow, yes snow is POSSIBLE…but not necessarily probable.
Yes, there could be some radical believers of ANY RELIGION that get in.
The US also has other radicals too, even RADICAL CHRISTIANS, yes I said it. There are radicalized Christians who blow up abortion clinics…are they terrorists…yes. And they are ALREADY in the US.
If they left the US and then returned, would those terrorists get back in…yes of course, they are American.

The whole idea being fed to the US population, and the rest of the world is that this Immigration ban order is to make the US more secure, but it is totally naive and incorrect.

There is much more of a US Security Threat from the ANGER building inside those human beings being treated like disposable garbage by the current US President.

The Executive Order is even treating some of their own US citizens’ in the same way.
No I am not suggesting that a US Citizen should be treated better or differently than US Resident or even an Immigrant or refugee This is not the example a (self proclaimed) world leader should be presenting to the multi cultural multi religion world.

The world appears to be changing it’s opinion of the US because of actions taken by their newest President. It is no longer a ‘World Leader’ in the eyes of many people from many countries, especially those profiled as harbouring potential US Security Threats for no other (real) reason than the religion of many of it’s population.

Can the world be assured that anything the new US President says is in fact true or not just an ‘alternative fact’ to throw our suspicions in a different direction away from the real truths?

The US Government denies it is religious profiling, but Trump has stated publicly that he has a preference for letting Christian refugee’s in to the US. THAT is clouding his judgment leading to religious discrimination and profiling.

There is a complete hold on Syrian refugee entry to the US…indefinitely and other refugee’s are not to admitted either.
This is in contravention to the Geneva Convention and other refugee treatment Conventions that were ratified and signed by the US Government, and most other Governments.
My sources used to determine my statement are these from the UNHCR. Source:

The extreme country profiles and discrimination being perpetrated by the US Government at the behest of President Trump in the name of US Border Security will be detrimental to the good will that much of the world did hold for the country and will more than likely result in much more ill will toward the US…THIS IS NOT GOOD.

Look now at another country, India, SECOND LARGEST world muslim population, more than 170 million Muslims, not a huge percentage but a VERY large number…also not on US President Trump banned from US Border Entry list, why not?

Again is it because the Trump Organization has business ties in India?

We can also look at China, yes even China has muslims, more than 100 million
Russia, yes Russia, there are Muslims there too, more than 20 million, also not on the US Border banned entry list.

300 million Muslims, live in countries where Islam is not the largest religion: China (more Muslims than in Syria), India (the third-biggest population of Muslims worldwide), Russia (more Muslims than in Jordan and Libya). Source:

Yes, CHINA, INDIA, and RUSSIA all have large numbers of Muslims.

According to this data , there are more Muslims in EGYPT than in IRAN. Source: But it is NOT on the US Border Entry blocked country list, why not?

If you look here, you can see that every country has at least some percentage who follow Islam and identify as Muslim, it could be the majority of the population who are muslim, such as Indonesia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates… That is a big big list of countries that are NOT on the US Border Entry ban list.

The whole world should be asking WHY NOT?

Even ISRAEL has nearly 1.3 million Muslims. The US will of course NEVER do anything to such an ally, it continues to send them weapons…they couldn’t be banned US Border Entry as a country…could they?

Why are these countries not on US President Trump’s Executive Order stopping US Border Entry? Could it be a necessity of trade between the countries?
What if the citizen’s and resident’s of those countries were blocked US Border entry, this could cause a retaliatory action and punishment…no trade?, a Diplomatic Crisis maybe?

Does he not expect the same from the countries that DID make it onto his ban list for US Border Entry?

Read Donald Trump’s Executive order on Immigration - the full text.

The US Government insists this is not a Muslim ban…That seems to be about as factual as the claim that the numbers attending Trump’s Inauguration were the largest ever, or that the war crime of waterboarding that was done by US Government employee’s to get intelligence information from detainees was not torture…it was an integral part of enhanced interrogation techniques during war….but not torture.

Why won’t they tell it like it is…a Muslim ban applied only to citizen’s, resident’s, and refugee’s from select religiously profiled countries aimed to prevent a so called US Security Threat.

The US will get much negative Diplomatic action and most likely retaliatory travel bans on US citizens, and resident’s including dual national’s travelling with US passports…it’s really only fair… and all countries have the right to adopt ‘me first’ laws.
Of course The US Government will vehemently object to that treatment of it’s people…payback is a b!tch, and countries will want payback.

This is supposed to make the US safer and more secure?

Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen only a list of seven countries religiously profiled as potential US Security Threats. but Muslims are in ALL countries. It is unfair to target a select few (whom the Trump Organization, notably has zero business interests or ties). It unfair to target ANY country.

A few of Trump’s business ties (licensed or operated by one of the Trump Organization companies) in countries NOT on his US Border Entry ban:

Trump Internatioanal Golf Club, DUBAI Source:

Trump Tower Punta Del Este, UREGUAY Source:
Trump Tower Mumbai, INDIA Source:
Trump International Hotel Lido, INDONESIA Source
Trump Towers Istanbul TURKEY. Source

There was even going to be a Trump International Hotel and Tower in Baku AZERBAIJAN. This has NOT OPENED as of yet Source:

Mr. Trump has licensed his name to two luxury towers in Istanbul. A Turkish company manufactures a line of Trump-branded home furnishings. Mr. Trump’s most recent financial disclosure, filed in May, showed that he had earned as much as $6 million in the previous year from the deals.
Also untouched by Friday’s executive order is the United Arab Emirates, a powerful Muslim ally with whom the United States has complicated relations. Mr. Trump has licensed his name to a Dubai golf resort, as well as a luxury home development and spa.
The executive order makes no mention of SAUDI ARABIA, home of 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the 9/ 11 attacks. Source:
That country SAUDI ARABIA was also LEFT OFF the US Border Entry ban list. That is the most GLARINGLY OBVIOUS exclusion not included in the US Border Entry ban.

No citizen, resident, or refugee of any country should be outright banned entry to another country simply because their passport is from that country, and profiling a few countries to create a small list is just as evil and should not be the way a democratic country operates.

Why was SAUDI ARABIA, NOT on the US Border Entry ban list? Could it be OIL? or MILITARY DEALS? or TRUMP ORGANIZATION business deals?

The other nations…not included WHY? Simple, to include all nations that have a Muslim population would have destroyed all trade to from the US…. Target a small number of perceived non essential countries, not too much of a loss… Is this what they may wrongly believe?


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