Create a slideshow using HTML5 , CSS3 and jQuery

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What Will I Learn?   

I will learn how to create a slideshow to show images or news ..etc using HTML5 , CSS3 and jQuery.      

  • How to change between remove and add classes 
  • How to append element to another element ( appendTo / insertBefore )
  • How to change the title depends the image that we press


  • Knowledge about HTML5 and CSS3
  • Knowledge about jQuery
  • A text editor like notpad ++


  • Basic


 In this tutorial we will create a slideshow using HTML5 , CSS3 and jQuery to show images , title , description and button of more .

HTML File : 

In my HTML file I have created a div ' slider ' which is the content of my slider , and a div informations that contains the title , description about the image and a button ' more ' .

Inside this div I have two other divs the first for the enableImages and I have 3 enableImages and 3 disableImages , the div contains three list items each one has an image and a class enableImg , and the disableImages contains three list items each one has an image and a class disableImg , this class is disabled because of the display : none propriety in the CSS file .

After that I have two indecators ( left and right ) when we click on the right button it will give us the next image and when we click on the left it will give us the previous image .

CSS File : 

In my CSS file I added some proprieties for the classes ( colors , backgrounds , size , width , height ..etc ) to give the best form to my slider and this is the slider .

jQuery File : 

I have used firstly the 3.1.1 version of jQuery , which possesses distinctive properties , then I created my plugins jQuery file .

- I used the $(function(){}); which means when the page is loaded the content inside the function will be executed.

I defined two variables the left and right by the symbols ' r and l ' .

- I selected the left element by $('.left') by the class ' .left ' and I used also the click event with a function by the $('.left').click(function() {....});

Inside my function I have tested the left value to get the correct image because we have 6 images 3 in the disableImages and 3 in the enableImages .

- I used the removeClass , addClass , appendTo , insertBefore methods to generate the exchange in appearance and disappearance.

- When the right equals to 3 and we clicked on the left the right will appear , because when the right equals to 3 it will disappear . 

if ((r === 3) && (l > 0)) {



And when the right equals to the left , the left button will disappear .

- The same thing in the right class I used the click event and the same methods to generate the next image .

- When we click on the image the first image $('.menuSlider ul li:first-of-type') we will modify the html of the title 

 $('.informations h3').html('Title image #01');

Video Tutorial   


This is the first video in this tutorial .

Proof of Work Done

3 columns
2 columns
1 column