Steem Randow Draw 1.4




New Features

  • Improvement of the interface
    Menu V1.3

    1. Optimization of language choice, creation of a drop-down menu (space saving).
    2. Removal of the gap between the two blocks.
    3. Removal of the link and the connection/disconnection feature that was no longer working.


Menu V1.4


Form V1.3

4. Graphical improvement of the choice of options, and addition of a slider for the percentage of upvote.
5. Graphical improvement of the choice between "upvote and comment" and "upvote or comment" (Only visible if upvote and comment are checked at the same time).

Form V1.4

  • New option !
    A month ago, muscara asked me to add a new option: "responses to comments." I asked him for more explanation, here is a part of it:

An example is this post. Breadcentric and Phoenixwren replied to the comment by Akipponn. They wouldn't be eligible which I find unfortunate - their reply was a comment for my post, too.

Quote muscara

Indeed, with version 1.3, for its article, only 6 comments were taken into account, and 5 eligible after removing the bots.


Result V1.3

So I worked to add the option.

And here is the result for a draw on the same article and the new version

Result V1.4

11 comments detected, and 7 eligible participants, including Breadcentric and Phoenixwren that was missing just before.

Next step

  • Create a steemrandom draw API.
  • Create a bot. (who will use this API)
    The bot would work like this:
    It receives via a memo the link of the article and the options (upvote, comment etc. for a cost of 0.001 steem/sbd.
    The bot checks the age of the item, if less than 7 days, the draw is put on the waiting list, if more than 7 days, the API is used to make the draw.
    The bot leaves a comment under the article with the name of the winner and details of the draw conditions.
    Finally the bot returns the 0.001 steem/sbd to the user, telling him that the draw has been done.
  • Bot v2 une seconde option ou l’utilisateur paye pour le tirage, mais peut récupérer 75% de toutes les mises de la semaine. (Par tirage au sort) Une certaine manière de soutenir mon travail tout en restant dans le monde du tirage au sort

- Technology Stack

So I'm going to have to learn on node.js
Learn how to create a REST API

- Roadmap

  • Creation of the API
  • (API test)
  • Creating the bot
  • (Bot test)
  • Creation of version 2 of the bot

- How to contribute?
If you want to help me contact me on discord : Deadzy#3449

GitHub Account


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